Chapter 5: murder.

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What are you doing here.? ' Adrian said as Mary turned around.

' nothing I was just going to my room.' She said as Adrian nodded.

They stood there for sometime and talked about the party but then Adrian told her he was getting very tired so he will go to his room and you go to yours.

Saying that Mary nodded acting like she is going to her room.

She entered the room where they decided to keep the body until midnight so they can come around and make it into little pieces and throw it away.

' oh my goodness.' She said as she covered her eyes with her hands and the body is half burned and half has holes in it.

The blood is so much around the body that it's making her almost throw up.

She sat besides the body.
' I knew he killed my father.' She said as she cried seeing the body.

' I told her ( Mary's mother.) That it wasn't natural death someone has killed him but she never believed me.' She said almost shouting and the pain made her cry more.

' He isn't a king he is a devil. He has killed his own f**king parents and my father don't know how many more innocent people.'

She got up her white beautiful dress covered in blood of someone innocent.

She went to the room lucky the king wasn't there as she changed into her night suit.

She soon went to bed.

Next day ( morning , 10:38.)

' you are late your highness for the breakfast.' Adrian said as he looked at Mary.

' I know that.' She said as she sat on the chair and maids started to bring the breakfast for her.

' looks like someone had a very bad night.' He said as Mary looked at him.
' yes almost like a nightmare.' Mary said as she took one piece of bread and started putting the butter on it.

After finishing her breakfast she decided to go for a walk in the garden.

Flashback.( 1953 July 12 , morning)

' I don't wanna go there. So You will go in and then come out and then we will go to my house and have the lunch there and that's all.'

Mary said as Anne looked at her with clear disapointment on her face but still she nodded and went in the castle.

It just took her 5 minutes and then she came out with crazy smile on her face as Mary smiled saying her smile.

' The king just told me that we can send all the vegetables to the market in London and we will get a very good amount of money every day.'

' I told you there will be a way.' Mary said as the both girls hugged each other.

While Mary hugged Anne she saw William ( the King ) staring at them from his window and soon broke the hug.

' let's go then.' Mary said.

Present time ( afternoon 11:30 pm )

' I wanna go to Anne's grave today.' Mary said to the king.

' wife of king doesn't visit any graves even if it's her own parents.' He said as Mary looked at him in disbelief.

' Your highness please let me go I haven't visited her since 6 months now.' Mary said as the king looked to the other side of the area in his room.

' no.' Is the only thing Mary heard as she nodded and got up.

' then it's the same rule for visiting your parents grave.' She said still keeping her head low while the king looked at her and allowed her.

Graveyard ( 1:23 pm)

' Anne is it getting cold in there.? ' Mary said as put her hand on the grave rubbing it softly as the tears escaped her eyes.

' do you remember all the things we did together.' She said as she tried to hold her tears in but couldn't help and cry.

' don't worry you will get justice.' She said as she kept the flowers on the grave.

' I couldn't find any lavender ones so I got roses.' She said as she got up.

' also I can't come every month now it will be very hard but I will try my best to come soon. Bye bye.' She said as she left graveyard.

Castle ( evening 7:08 )

' how was it like the meet your dead friend.? ' out of nowhere the king decided to say that as Mary looked at him while taking a sip of wine.

' it was nice.' Mary said as he looked at her as Mary puts the wine glass down on the table and takes a bite of her steak.

' that's weird.' Said Adrian as he looked at both Mary and William.

' don't you guys talk at all. You guys don't seem like to be married looks like someone has forced her highness to marry you.' He said as he laughed looking at mary and then his brother.

The dinner went well cause of Adrian from the past few days it really made Mary think about how would it be when Adrian will leave.

She started walking around the halls thinking about it as she reached to some unknown halls she has never been.

She turned around going back to where she came from but no guess she doesn't remember it.

And made it more worse going into different hallways and turning to remember but nothing was helping her.

' f**k why it has to happen now.' She said while going to different sides while running , shouting , calling the gaurds , the king , Adrian but no one came.

She gave up or maybe not as she shouted on top of her lungs but no response was heard.

She opened random rooms doors there are many while she opened one room door and found baby pictures of his highness and Adrian.

She thought it would be cool to see the pictures until someone comes and finally find her.

While seeing the picture it wasn't looking like his highness was any near of age 30.

While the both brothers looked very young and same age maybe months apart.

And then.
' Adrian born 1930 , month 3 , February 18 , mother her highness Princess Isabella and William born 1930 , 7 month , July 12 , mother her highness the Queen Emma.

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