✨chapter 2✨

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bettys pov

after i make sure that juliet and noah are ok and are going to bed, i go back into my room and flop down on the bed. i sigh and pick my phone up. i start scrolling through tik tok and i come across a video of a couple dancing and been romantic and it reminded me of me and jug when we where in high school. i sigh and switch my phone of and face plant into my pillow. i hate crying and i hate that almost everything reminds me of jug which then makes me cry. i wish i could get over him and get out there and date again but i haven't been able to face it. no i am lying in bed crying myself to sleep and hopefully this time its a dreamless sleep.

The bright sun shines through the curtains and i feel a light breeze from the windows. i slowly open my eyes and i am greeted with the icy blue eyes of my husband stare back. he must of been watching me sleep so i smirk and say "jug, stop been a creep" "wh-huh. I'm not a creep. your just so beautiful when you sleep." i smile and lean in and kiss him. he kisses back and push my blonde hair behind her ear so that he can cup my face. i smile into our kiss as he pulls me on top of him and we keep making out. Jug's hand roams down my body and over my but and squeezes it. i giggle a little but before we can do anything more, we are interrupted by 3 small giggles. i pull away and look to see our 7 year old daughter and her to red head friends giggling in the doorway. today was jules 8th birthday and ruby, layla and noah had come over for a sleepover last night so they could wake up on her birthday and be here for her birthday party. "jules, happy birthday" she smiles and runs up and jumps on the bed "thanks mama" i give her a hug and then jug sits up in the bed and says "my baby is 7 years old. happy birthday" she grunts and crosses her arms. "daddy I'm not a baby" i smile "i know" he smiles and picks her up and walks over to the other girls "hmmm where's noah" i ask "sleeping" "why don't you wake him up and daddy can make you guys birthday breakfast" "yayyyy birthday breakfast" the girls say and they run back into juliets room. i flop down on top of jug and he grunts "jeez betts. your heavy." i put my hand to my chest and make a mock gasp "did you just fat shame me" "never baby" he gave me a kiss before hoping out of bed "i need to make so birthday breakfast for our birthday girl and her friends." i get up as well i pull on my checkered pyjama pants along with jugs s shirt i had slept in and i follow jug downstairs. i go over and make myself some coffee.i lean against the fridge and jug comes up really close to me "hey" "hi" i place my hand on her chest and bring them up to around his neck. "enjoy the peace and quiet for now before ther are 12 loud toddlers in our house" "hmmm" he gives me a kiss and then opens the fridge mid kiss "wha- hey" i say as he starts chugging some milk. "did you only come over to me cause you wanted to get into the fridge" "no. i wanted to give my beautiful wife a kiss." "mhmm sure" i grab my coffee that is now down and go sit down at the kitchen counter. "should i wake the boys" it was 7am and they both aren't early birds and will be grumpy all day. zion is now 6 and pj is 5 and they share a room. "they'll will get up when there excited sister jumps on them to wake them up" jug says while putting some bacon onto a pan. i then realise how quite it got and i turn around and go upstairs but as i turn to go upstairs i am met with all my kids and juliets friends. "uh where you guys eavesdropping" "no mummy we were just standing on the stairs" zi says. "ok. well, how about you all go get dressed and then you can come back down for juliets birthday breakfast." "yayyy. BIRTHDAY BREAKFAST" juliet shouts "come on no no" she grabs his hand and pulls him upstairs. "awww there so adorable" i say going back to jug who was now cooking choc chip pancakes. "who?" "noah and juliet. me and see where saying they whould be the cutest couple." i say sitting back in my chair. "the fact that you think ill ever let her date anyone is hilarious" "juggg" i say with warning in my voice "what. she's my little baby and i don't want her to get hurt" he flips the pancake in the pan "well, that years off. we don't need to worry" "ok" he gives me a peck and then yells. "kids, breakfasts ready" we hear all the kids run down the stairs and sit down around the dinning table that has choc chip pancake, bacon, scrambled eggs, fresh fruit, pastries and sugary cereal. the kids always love jugs special birthday breakfast milkshakes that have chocolate and carmal syrup, ice cream and whipped cream, a cherry, sprinkles and some fairy floss on top. (ik its a lot of food. but what can i say, there jones')

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