✨chapter 4✨

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bettys pov

"jughead" i think im dreaming. I don't know what comes over me but I instantly smash my lips to his and he kisses back. I sit on his lap and he keep kissing lustfly. I suddenly come to realisation that im making out with... I don't even know. I pull away and stand back in shock. "omg. I am so sorry" "no bet-" "you just look like someone I used to know and something came over me. that was so unprofessional." I finally get a proper look at the man. his eyes are the same ocean blue as my sweet jugs and his facial structure is the same but his hair is blonde (like Cole sprouse's natural hair) and he has a small moustache. "no Betty, its ok. its me, jug" I step back when I hear his voice. "I-i" "I know your in shock and super confused but its me" "h-h-how" "well- its a long story but-" "how do I know its you. you could just be some evil twin or some copycat." he chuckles a bit and then says in that familiar soothing voice. "seriously." I nod "ok well, in sopothmore year when we investigating Jason blossoms murder, I climbed up a ladder to your window which lead to our first kiss. when I got to your window I called you Juliet and that's what we called our daughter." I step back not excepting him to know that. "I-i need to go" I rush out of the tent and hold back my tears that are about to spill. I rush past detectives and they all ask where im going and I say that I have to go. "family emergency" I run out and call down a cab and hop in. I don't care about the taxi driver I just break down. I don't know what to do or think. WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED. 

jughead pov

when Betty ran out I swore under my breath "fuck". when I found out that Betty was the lad of this case I was so nervous but I had to be questioned since I had been a witness. I had tried to get out of it but I wasn't allowed and so my wife saw me for the first time in 14 years, very much un-dead. I had spent many nights in my apartment, imaging how this day would go. every scenario was way different and to perfect to ever happen. I mean how would you act when you find out your husband that has been 'dead' for 14 years isn't actually dead. I really needed to talk to her and explain why I had skipped out on raising our 2 kids. Juliet would be 17 now and Zion would be 15. I miss them just as much as Betty. I just want my old life back really. I stand up out of the chair after been interviewed by another officer and he said I was free to leave. as I get up I stand on something and I look down and see a phone so I pick it up and I turn in on. it has a picture of 3 teenagers hugging. they look like siblings and its a cute photo. but when I look closer I notice that they look familiar. I gasp and nearly drop the phone. this is betty's phone and 2 of the young teenagers on the lock screen are my kids. I place a hand over my mouth as I try not cry. 

betty's lockscreen

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betty's lockscreen

this is Juliet and Zion. omg there so grown up. I suck in my tears and put Bettys phone in my pocket as I am hoping to see her later. I leave the crime scene and hope into my car and head back to my apartment where I live with my best friend grey. I walk in and sit down on the couch and stare at the phone lock screen. im not going to hack into Bettys phone even thought I assume the password is my birthday as it always has been. I stare at my daughter and son all grown up and what there reactions to me being alive would be. I look at the third boy in the picture that you can't really see and he doesnt look familiar. it could be noah but I don't think Betty would put him on her Home Screen. I just sigh and turn on my tv and watch something random and I end up falling asleep.

Bettys pov

I am now currently sitting on my hotel bed confused as hell. I have been sitting here for 5 hours trying to figure out how he survived. I can't tell if im happy, sad or angry. obviously I am happy he's not actually dead but I am angry that he never came home and stayed away for 14 years. From his kids, dad, sister, friends and ME. I have so many questions and I need them answered but I don't know if I can face him now. I should sleep then see how I feel in the morning. I get under the donna and switch off my light but I can't sleep and I have a restless night. 

next morning I wake up and I still feel groggy after my sleepless night. I go over to the counter where there is a kettle for me to make some coffee and I turn it on. I lean against the side of the counter and I think about my situation. I think I might tell the detectives to let someone else take this case cause 1. my husband is back from the dead... again. 2. this case has been really stressful and i have been working on it for months and haven't solved it. 3. it has kept me at the office and I need to spend more time with my family. I come to the decision that I will resign from this case and just do some local riverdale crime investigating. but now the difficult question. what am I gonna do about jug? im still in shock from what happened yesterday and the fact that he's actually alive. I can't just leave knowing he's actually out there. I have so many unanswered questions. maybe I should just go see him and understand why he "left" and then I make my mind up about letting him come back into my life. what if he doesnt love me anymore. I defiantly still love him. all those years of depression, sucide pacts, therapy and absolute pain I went through for him to just be alive is... I don't even know. all I know is that I will see him and he will explain. 

as the kettle pings notifying that it is boiled I realise. "oh shit" I say out loud. jughead wouldn't know that I had another baby. HIS BABY. he was 'dead before I even found out. well this is going to be a great conversation. I mean I can't not tell him. he has another son and he has the right to know. I just sit down on my desk with my cup of coffee. I reach out to grab my phone but I realise its not there. "huh" I look around my whole room and in my bag and I can't find it. I get open my laptop and go onto a app that I can locate my phone. I see that it had been at the crime scene but was now at some random apartment in east chicago. then it hits me. jug must have found my phone and taken it back to his apartment with him. I sigh and get up and ready. might as well go there and get this over and done with.

jugheads pov

i hear a knock at the door while I sit on my bed reading my book. I hear it open and a soft voice of a girl comes in. must be one of greys girlfriends or one night stands so I don't bother getting up to see who it is. all of a sudden grey burst into my room and says "hey jug, your wife is here" "what" I drop my book and rush past grey and to the front door where I see the beautiful blonde standing there really pale and nervous and clutching to the strap of her handbag for dear life. "ugh h-hi" I come closer but I am still about 1 meter away from her. "c-can we talk" I nod and point my arm inside indicating for her to go inside.

A/N: hope you enjoy. im back permantely and will be updating on all my books asap. 

if you haven't read my other books there is a one shot book (with only one part lol), a book about bughead where Betty is a princess and jughead is a guard and they fall in love and well the first book to this. I am also working on a smut book and another story coming soon.

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