Chapter 24

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Deku furiously taps on his lap as he began to sweat bullets. Why is he so nervous? Why is he sweating like a madman? Why does it look like he just hid a body--

You know what, Let's not get to there😀.

Just at the day where he and Katsuma were supposed to ho back in 2147, they were transported in a different year, and ghey just happened to appear in an ICU. They were in shock to see a girl, who was badly burnt, laying on the hospital bed, bandages wrapped around her figure as she was breathing through an oxygen mask.

Katsuma, being the stubborm yet kind hearted angel he is, he uses his quirk to heal the girl without anyone knowing. And just seconds after healing her, the two boys were leaped back to 2147.

"Deku-kun, are you okay?" Uraraka asked as she looks at greenette, sitting like a stone.

Bakugou, however took his childhood friend's frozen figure as advantage as he has been stacking up books, bottles and whatever he was abke to stack with on the boy's head. "Oi, Pikachu, give me that chair!" The blond ordered and the said boy snickered and just passed Bakugou a chair and the male stood up, he then told Kirishima to help in carrying him to place the furniture ontop of Deku's stacked head.

"Is this even okay?" Tsuyu swetadropped and Mina hushed her, saying that she wants to see what will happen once Deku was snaps out from his trance.


Baji and Kazutora were both peacefully walking down the rainy road, umbrella in hand. Walking in between the two was Chifuyu as the three of them were walking around the street to go to Takemichi's house.

"It's still raining.." Chifuyu spoke and the two males nodded their heads. "Man, all this raining is just making me hungry.." Baji groaned and Kazutora raised a brow.

"Baji, you just ate peyoung yakisoba like 20 minutes ago.." Kazutora pointed out and Baji just shrugs his shoulders saying that it was the rain's fault for making him hungry.

But then the three stopped when they all heard shouting and grunts. They turned their head around to the side to see a person in a hoodie, punching a chained tyre swing.

"Woh, what is that guy doing?" Kazutora pointed at the male punching on the tyre.

But then the three soon realized thay it was none other than Hangaki Takemichi himself. The three.then walked behind the furious blond and startle him.

"What are you doing?" Takemichi flinched and turned around to see Baji, Chifuyu and Kazutora.


"If Chufuyu is here, then what are we? Chopped liver?" Kazutora joked, and laughed.

"Baji-kun.. And Kazutora-kun, too.."

"Oi oi, why do you sound so unpleasent to see us?" Baji taunted the boy and Chifuyu just smacked the back of his best friend's head.

"What are you... Me, Kazutora and Baji-san were gonna come see you, but then saw a weirdo fighting a wheel." Takemichi then began to sweat, whethear if he should tell the undercut boy that he's back.


"Talking with a tyre wheel under this rain. That's totally creepy" Chifuyu cutted Takemichi off.

"Shut your mouth!" Takemichi barked, and the turned back to the chained tyre. "I'm busy! I'm not playing around here." He exclaimed and Chifuyu, Baji and Kazuyira raised a brow.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"I'm training! Ha!" He said, punching the tyre. "I have to get stronger than anyone!" Then the punched tyre came swinging back at Takemichi, pushing him. But he soon quickly hugged the tyre and placed it back in position. "No matter what. If I don't get stronger, the future won't change!"

It took for the three boys to realize what the Takemichi was saying, and that is until when Chifuyu pointed it out.

"Uh... you're.."

"The Takemitchy from the future!" Baji and Kazutora chimed in union. After Takemichi explains everything from where Mikey killed everyone, and that he wanted Takemichi to meet him in Manila only to get shot by Naoto when Mikey tackled Takemichi to the ground.

"WHAT!!?" Chifuyu's green eyes widened in utter shock as his umbrella was now on the ground. "Everyone is dead, and Mikey killed them!!?"

"Damn, that's deep.." Kazutora commented as he crouched down and grabbed Chifuyu's umbrella, now shielding him, once more.

"Are you kidding?" Baji cocked his head to the side.

"That's why, I have to become stronger!" Tskemici exclaimed as he continues punching the tyre.

"Huh.. Is that why you're hitting a wheel?" Chifuyu asked with an awkward smile, pointing at his partner. "Are you a kid or what?" Chifuyu snickered and Takemichi irked.

"Shut up! Future me left Toman, and everyone protected me.. I'm so pitiful..." Takemichi continues to punch the tyre and then Baji looked down and notice a splat of blood. Chifuyu notices this too, and just before Takemichi could even send in another punch to the wheel, Chifuyu stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"Hey! Show me your hands!" Chifuyu ordered and sees the bloody wound on his friend's knuckles. "They're all bloody.." Chifuyu inspected the qound on Takemichi's bloodied fist. This made both Baji and Kazutora to stare in shock. "Wait... you... Have you been doing this all day?" Takemichi ignored Chifuyu's question and just sent a punch with his free hand, in which that had caught the other three boys off gaurd.

"Stop it, Takemitchy! Blowing your hands won't make you the strongest!" Baji shouted, but Takemichi didn't listen and just continues to blow up his anger and frustration to the wheel.

"I thought this alot with Naoto! What can I do in the past to turn well?! To succesfully save everyone! We had no clue! We're walking in a circle! I can't always depend this onto (Y/n)-chan, when she is already handling alot on her shoulders! She's a hero in training and she time travels back here just to help me! I just feel so pity! Who killed Hina?! Did Mikey killed everyone?! We're all just kids!" Takemichi cried out and Kazutora yanked the back of Takemichi's collar and threw him onto the ground.

"Get ahold of yourself, Takemitchy!" Kazutora said, "Keep it cool.." Then seconds later, they heard sobbing. "I couldn't so anything.." The three tutned around and faced the crying male. "How am I gonna save everyone?! I have no idea!" The boy then began to cry his heart out, how it's hard for him for doing this on his own. How Mikey's dying figure was haunting him as if it just happened minutes ago.

The three males stared at Takemichi's laying figure on the ground and then just threw down the umbrella to who knows where and sat on the rain next to Takemichi.

"What a fucked future.." Chifuyu muttered. "But to be honest, it makes me happy." Chifuyu continued and that caught Baji's, Kazutora's and Takemichi's attention. "I mean we were able to meet again." Chifuyu turned around to face Takemichi with a smile on his face.

"I didn't think we were going to meet again." Kazutora rumadges through the plastic bag in his arms that he was carrying earlier and took out a bottle of water and just drank from it.

"I feel like I know what I have to do." Chifuyu spoke and Takmeichi sat up, looking at him, Baji and Kazutora too paying attention.

"We will beat Mikey." At that, Kazutora chocked on his water and began coughing. Baji bejng worried for his friend, he patted the multicolored haire male's back. Kazutora coughed as he hit the back of Chifuyu's head with the half watered filled bottle.

"Bitch, did you even see how death was about to welcome me?! Nu-uh are we fighting that emo short stack impulsive ass living man!"

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