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"(N/N), WE'LL TAKE IT FROM HERE!"  Said the greenette as he sent out a familiar black green-ish whip towards Godzilla.

The (h/c)-ette looked at her friend giving him a worried a look, she doesn't aant any of them hurt just because of this mission of hers. But Deku just sent her a reassuring smile and went onto fighting against Godzilla and Yuriko alongside with Todoroki and Bakugou.

"Guess it's just you an me, huh?" Horoki hummed at her statement, but soon a smirk crack onto his face. Placing a hand over his lower face, he began to laugh hysterically. "Ahhh.. Just like sweet old times huh, (N/n)-chan~?" The girl's eyes narrowed at the nickname that came out from the male's mouth.

Creating a wooden, yet hard sword in her hand. The two leaped to one another. The girl quickly swung the weapon to the male's head, but he quickly ducked and dodged the attack. Sending out a punch towards the female's abdomen, she quickly blocked it with the wooden weapon. Holding that strength within his arm, the villian sent out kick to her face in which she was too caught off guard.

Grunting in pain, she quickly jumped back abit and her unoccupied hand, scratched her flesh from her arm. Horoki stared in utter mixed disgust and horror. What was she doing?

Just then a meaty, 2 bloody sickles appeared in both of her hands, placing the wooden sword down onto the ground, she placed herself in a fighting posture, her eyes glisten abit of malice and sadist. It shows... Excitment in it.

Horoki's blood quickly turned cold, but he ignored the feeling and sent out another metal dragon container towards her. "(Y/N)-CHAN!" Takemichi shouted, scared that the said girl wasn't moving. And just inches before the metal container monster could even hit, nor even land an attack on she stepped back and leaped up to the dragon's head and sliced the container as if it was cake. Running her way towards Horoki, the male quickly swift his arm in the air to charge his metal army towards the girl instead.

Confuse on why any of his minions weren't attacking their said target, he looked back at the battle field and his eyes widened to see all of his metal minions along with Godzilla and Yuriko all metal rotten. They all couldn't move. Feeling a presence behind him, he slowly turned around and fell down to see the girl, in fear he crawled backwards in utter fear. Stopping when the girl stepped and placed pressure onto his ankle and calf. Crouching down, she grabbed the back of the male's head and brought it near to hers.

"You lose, Rakheel.." Rakheel.. (Y/n)'s father sidekick. He was the reason why her father died in the first place. Rakheel was nothing more but a fake name for Horoki Mitsuki to hide in.

Sabotaged the his partner and placed him in a fatal major wounded 'accident' that is no near to possible to be saved.

"Father had really placed his full trust in you.. Why did you betray him?" Horoki sickly chuckled. "He was nothing but a stupid pawn.. Everything was going out according to plan! But no. You had to be in my way.. Your face, your eyes, your fucking attitude! Everything about you just had to resemble of them at old geezer!" Horoki said. "I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!" He chanted.

Pah and the others watched this from the sidelines. His eyes widened as he sees something glistening illuminating from the dim lights from the light stanfs at the area. His eyes widened even more to shock and horror as the weapon pierced through the girl's abdomen. His breath hitched at the scene infront of him, but just as when he shifted his slanted eyes at his friend, he noticed noticed something rather... odd.

"Man, you really are a pain in the ass.." Giggled the girl infront of Horoki as she desinegrate. Another (Y/n) appeared above of Horoki's vision, smiling at him. The male chuckled and laid his body flat onto the ground, arms spread on the area, unactivating his quirk in the process.

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