Chapter 29

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(A/n): Hey besties, sorry for the late update. Sadly, school is around the corner and I have been busy trying to figure where my class is and when I can actually buy my books for school.


my class teacher updated me, saying that our book list will be given at the first day of school🙃

N e ways lets get to the stroy.


Everything went quick like a sand in an hour glass. Izana pointed out the handgun from Kisaki's grasp and pointed it at Mikey.

"If I lose this fight, that means I lost everything, right?" Izana asked, blood curdling out from his nose.

"Izana.." The blond male called him out.

"Using a weapon is cheap, Izana!" Takemichi shouted.

"Losing in a fight... Means I have nothing to lose.." Izana continued. "Die Mikey," and just before Izana could even pull the trigger, a knife flung to the male's hand, causing Izana to drop the gun.

"What the--" Blue flames were then sent to him, but Mikey was quick enough to push Izana down with him, unharmed.

"Well that was interesting.." Shinichiro, Baji, Kazutora and (Y/n) watched with wide eyes. There stood out Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Toga, Dabi, Twice and Spinner.

Takemichi stepped back in horror. 'W-Who are they?! Are they from (Y/n)-chan's time line?! But she should have infromed us--'

"EVERYONE STEP BACK!" Pah shouted. He heard about these League of Villians dude by both Hatsume and (Y/n). But he would never actaully thought that they would be here.

Both group stood im horror when Shigaraki walked up to the nearest Tenjiku member beside and placed his hand on the male's shoulder. And in just a blink of an eye, the poor male turned nothing but dust.

Mikey watched this and held Izana as he drag his brother to safety.

"So, mind telling me where (L/n) is?" Shigaraki spoke. Then, murmurs began to lurk around the area. The Toman members all stood in their position. What does he want from (Y/n)? Did (Y/n) messed with some weird guys on the way? Do they know each other? Questions flooded their mind, and Dabi was not much of a patient person at the moment.

He clicked his tongue and send out another fire towards Takemichi and Chifuyu. The two blonds saw this and stayed on their ground. They were too scared to even move. So, all they did was standing there in horror. Thinking that this is it. This is how they die.

But the impact didnt come. Takemichi and Chifuyu could hear gasps and omce they opened their eyes, they were greeted with a huge iceblock infront of them.


"Kinda feel for standing there. Sorry," (Y/n) walked out of the shadow as she pulled the hood of her hero costume down, and faced the quirked villians infront of her.

"Don't even think of hurting these harmless people, Shigaraki." (Y/n) said as she grabbed a broken pipe from the ground, using Hack, she turned it to a new one. The group saw this and their eyes widened.

"I never wanted to actually plan it this way, buy I guess you all leave me choice." The girl simply shrugged her shoulder.

"What brings you all here, anyway?" The girl's eyes narrowed at them and Shigaraki smirked.

"Ever heard that, once you change the past, you change the future? That's cxactly what we're doing. First off by killing these dumb kids first," He said,

"But.." He continued, and placed a hand behind his head. "We were only ordered by him to send them to kill you," he chuckled.

" 'Them--"

"(Y/N)-CHAN, WATCH OUT!" Takemichi shouted as the girl stepped abit to the left and bullet grazed across her cheek. The girl stared with eyes wide and quickly turned around to see a man with green hair, his eye pupils are slanted as he held a gun in his hand.

"You react quickly, don't you?" Said the man.

"Well I guess this is where we part ways, (L/n). See you back in the future.. or not," Shigaraki smiked behind his mask and walked away as he time leaped back to 2147.

(Y/n) grunted in annoyamce and looked at the male that trie in harming Takemichi and Chifuyu.

"Who are you?" (Y/n) asked, as she placed herself in fighting position.

"The names Horoki. And that's Yuriko," Horoki poimted behind the (h/c)-ette and the said figure behind her sent a punch towards her, but gladly, the female blocked it.

"All of you!" The girl quickly turned around and faced the gang members. "Get out of here, and promise you are NOT going to speak about this. Ever." The female demanded. The group just stared at her and Pah gritted his teeth.

"YOU HEARD HER, YOU SHITHEADS! GET ON WITH IT!" Shinichiro, Baji and Kazutora, too ran with them when the girl gave them a glance.

Just few steps away from the exit, a tall buffed man blocked their way. His arms and chest were armoured and he was twice as huge as a gorilla.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetheart, but your friends aren't going anywhere~" Horoki smirked.

Pah and Draken, who was the nearest one infront of the big man stared in utter horror as the villian swung his fist down to him.

"Pah-chin kun! Draken-kun!"

Quickly a cemented block protected the two males. Draken stared in shock at the cemented block and Pah quickly dragged the tall blond away. Godzilla, was not having it at all.

He strongly crushed the cement block into desbris and the group ran away. And just before Godzilla cpuld even land im another hit on the group, a vine wrapped around both of his wrist and legs, tightly.

"Don't you even tried in hurting any of them!" (Y/n) shouted as she duplicated herself into three. One of her clone fighting fist to fist with Yuriko, whilst the other was guiding the group to safer place. The original (Y/n) on her ground as she looked at Godzilla, she created a scythe from her arm.

"COME HERE YOU BIG KNUCKLEHEAD!" She shouted as she let out a battlecry. Godzilla roared im anger at the nickname and ran his way to the girl.

Horoki could only just stand there in amunsement.

'Such amazing strength. You were right (F/n). Your kid is strong. Too bad that she hates you now.'

Clone (Y/n) that was guiding the two gangs in safety, stopped in her track as she looked around the area.

"This should be safe enough. I will be going now--" But just before the clome cpuld even turn to nothing but air, Mikey stopped her as he grabbed the clone by the shoulder. The clone could see the utter horror and confusion in his eyes.

"You... What is going on?!" Mikey asked and the clone remained silent and just smiled.

"This is for the safety for all of you. 'I' want you all to have a better future. Don't come running back to help 'me'. It is 'my' duty as a hero in training to protect the others." '(Y/n)' said as she gave a glance towards Pah and then Takemichi, then back to Mikey befote disengrating herself.

"Pah..." Mikey called out and turned his head to his friend. "Do you.. perhaps know what's going on..?" Mikey asked, and Pah began to sweat furiously.

"Act dumb." Takemichi whispered to the male beside him.

"Who's Pah?" He asked.

"NOT THAT DUMB!" Shinichiro exclaimed.

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