chapter nine

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Jay pov

I warily and slowly made my way down the corridors of the hospital to get out of here. A branch had hit on my side kinda hard, but I was fine. It mostly the smoke that had gotten in my system that had concerned the doctors, which why they gave my some prescriptions, but really, I was fine. Plus, I was fighter; this didn’t bug me one bit.

I entered the waiting room only to regret it immediately. About 20 male bodies were sitting, agitated, around the room. I was frozen in my place as I saw my guys, my brothers practically, and I really wished I could just vanish. I weighed my options: run back down to the other exit out back or greet my guys, who looked as concerned as if I was dying and still hadn’t noticed me in the doorway. I decided to reassure them, but I wasn’t happy about it.

I let the door behind me close as I made my way to the front desk to check, and as soon as the door clicked, about 40 eyeballs shot up to me. In a flash, every guy was around me, asking if I was okay, what I had been thinking, why I had done that. I felt my face flush as I see the front desk ladies expression between me and my guys. I hissed at them, “Shut up! Tell you later. Go back to the warehouse. Now, please.”

All of them left except for one. Declan. I finally got the papers done for the hospital, and when I turned to leave, Declan followed me. As soon we were outside, he pulled me to him and practically crushed me into his chest. He murmured, “Please don’t ever scare me like that again. Please Jay…I-I…I don’t want to lose you again.”

Declan’s words from when he pulled me out of the fire came rushing back to me as I heard him this time too. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him back as I nodded against his chest. “Okay.”

Declan gave me another squeeze and then led me to his car, a 1975 Ford Mustang Cobra II that was black with two golden honey colored strips along the top of the car and then the words COBRA in gold along the doors. It was a nice car, a classic, and it suited Declan well.

We drove in silence back to the warehouse, where Ethan came up to me. “Okay, explanation now…please,” he added hastily when he saw my ‘excuse me’ face.

I sighed then was greeted by Pooch. I smiled as I crouched down to scratch his ears then looked up at the guys. “Okay. Shall I start from the beginning on how I became to living with my insane uncle or just tell you that?”

“You live with an insane uncle?” Toni repeated in disbelief. I nodded while shrugging it off and waited for the answer, which Declan said aloud, “Start explaining everything.”

I nodded as the guys got settled to hear my story. “It’s a long one, but okay. Three years ago, I lived in Ireland with my mother and father along with my younger siblings, Fay and Kay and Riley. I was an average Irish girl, doing normal Irish girl things…and that ended when my family got into a car crash, killing them; I lost all of them. I had a couple options to go to my Uncle Gage, my Uncle Cal, my Uncle Stefan, or my grandparents. I picked my mother’s parents. So I moved to America, I lived with them for a good amount of time, and then, ironically, they got into a car crash. Then I had no options really. Uncle Gage killed himself in prison, Uncle Stefan killed himself because his family left him because he was poor, and Uncle Cal’s still alive but is a complete loon. I went to the orphanage, but that sucked. So I ran away from that nightmare and came across this town. I enrolled in school, got a job, and, just when I thought I would be homeless, my Uncle Cal shows up and says I’m living with him. I couldn’t, and still can’t, stand him with all his insanity, but I just deal with it all. No happy ending here, lads, so the end.”

I rolled my eyes at my own pathetic, twisted story. Who knew so much could wrong in just three little years? I surely hadn’t seen any of it coming.

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