chapter fifteen

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Jay pov:

On my crutches, I hobbled in to the waiting room, Declan and Ethan next to me. My arms were sore but okay, and my leg was the only real thing that affected me from my attack. So generally, okay.  

The nurses smiled at us but continued on with whatever busy work they had. Cal smiled at me sadly. “How are you feeling, Jay?”

“I’m fine, Cal. It’s just a broken leg. It’ll heal,” I assured him, and he shook his head while sighing. “I’m starting to wonder what I should do with you.”

“Trust me to be responsible and know that I can take care of myself,” I let him know, and he nods. “Are you going off again?”


“Sure, but be home tonight.”

“Okay, I’ll see you later, Cal,” I waved off then continued on with Declan and Ethan. I rode with Declan to the warehouse, and I hobbled in there, too. I muttered, “I hope never to have crutches again.”

Declan chuckled lightly then seriously agreed, “So do I.”

I gave a meaningful smile, which he returned, and I got into the warehouse where my pack brothers smiled at me, relieved. I got to sit on the couch at first, but that got way too boring; so while some of the guys that were really concerned for me were out for a minute, I had Darrel and Jag set up two stool, one for me sitting and one to prop my leg, and then I had Milo, a young mechanic, give me the tools so I could work on the engine while Milo worked under the car if necessary.

The most important guys walked back in the room to see me frustrated with Milo. “Well, Milo, if you were better at describing the damn ‘thing’ you’re looking at, I might be able to help you. But since you can’t, I can’t.”

“Well sorry if it’s hard to describe it, but you know this car anyways. So why don’t you just tell how it’s suppose to look?”

“Because you might mess it up more. You already have three times now. Just tell me how it looks and I can give you instruction, hmm?”

“Jay, what are you doing?” Declan questioned me, looking somewhere between pissed and concerned. I gave a small smile to them as they crossed their arms in front of their chests.  “Oh come on!” I exclaimed, flailing my arms up. “It’s boring to sit on that couch. I might as well as stay home! And, besides, it was Darrel and Jag who helped me do this, and let’s not forget Milo here.”

“What?” Milo exclaimed, his big doughy brown eyes bugged out. I shrugged as Darrel and Jag shot me pissed looks. Declan shook his head. “You need to be resting and have your leg propped up.”

“My leg is propped, see?” I gestured to the stool next to me, where my leg rested. “And I am resting, relaxing…while working on cars.”

None of them couldn’t help but grin at me, and those grins turned to laughs when I put on my puppy dog face while batting my eyelashes. They reluctantly let me continue on, but Declan stayed at my side like a loyal and faithful dog staying with its master. Sorta like Pooch… who had run away… Hmm, never mind…

Declan and I went to his apartment, now my second home, after the warehouse locked up and I plopped down on the couch while groaning, “I really loathe crutches.”

Declan chuckled as his face appeared above mine. “I’m sorry there’s nothing I can do for you, love, but you got school tomorrow, so get some rest.”

“As long as you’re with me,” I injected. Declan laughed while nodding, and he allowed me to shower first then he showered while I changed. I had given Declan a suit case of my clothes just in case I ever spent the night as his place, and I settled on the silk nightgown that was a V neck, spaghetti strapped, and reached only below mid-thigh; Suzy gave it to me, and I couldn’t help but wonder if she did this on purpose. I’d ask her next time I saw her.

I was sitting on the bed, waiting for Declan, when I realized I probably should call Cal. I dialed his number, and it rung three times before he picked up. “Hello?”

“Hey Cal. It’s me, Jay. I need…”

“Oh, good. I forgot to tell you, Jay, but the floors are getting refinished, so we can’t go into the house. He just got here, so I’m leaving. Are you staying at one of your friend’s?”

“I’m staying at Declan’s.”

“Oh good. He’s a good man.  I trust him. I’ll text you when we can get back in the house, okay?”

“Uh, okay. See ya later, Cal.”

I hung up and had forgotten about Declan until I heard him gasp, “Whoa…”

I turned then remembered what I was wearing. I shrugged. “Suzy gave it to me. Do you not like it?”

“No!” Declan instantly reacted, making me giggle a bit. I think he was blushing as he stuttered,  “Uh…I meant…um….”

“Shut up and come over here,” I teased, and Declan smiled at appreciatively. He leaned down and kissed me lovingly, and I could tell he wanted more. I pulled him with me as I scooted up the bed until my back was to the wall and Declan had his hand on the back of my neck, trapping my mouth to his as our tongues danced. His other hand was on my thigh while both my hands tangled themselves in his hair. It was hot and intense, and I wanted to go on, but Declan pulled away. “Not tonight. You need rest, my Jay.”

“Why do you have to be such a good boy?” I muttered, pouting.  He chuckled huskily. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to make love to you while you have that on.” He pointed to my cast. “I’d probably get hurt.”

I laughed and rested my head on his chest again. “Still, not fair.”

“Another time, Jay, but now you need sleep,” he whispered in my hair as I curled up to his chest and his arms wrapped around me securely. I always felt safe when I was with Declan. I always felt like my past never happened when I was with him. I always felt at bliss with him. I always felt like I belonged to him. I was always happy with him.

And I realized I needed to ask Toni, the man who had bound himself to one with three memorizing words, a very important question tomorrow that’ll affect Declan greatly.  

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