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I sat on the ice cold Metal bench and tried my best not to cry. You would think I would be use to this but it's clear that I'm not.

I did this every single time one of my pups turned 18 and went to college or if they moved out the house; but this time felt different.

My youngest son is all grown up and transferred to a different college a few hours away and now my house feels empty because all my pups have gone off to live their lives.

This will also the first Christmas without any of our pups. When my other pups left, I was sad but I knew I always had another pup at home waiting for me and I knew that no matter what all of them would come home for the holiday.

But when I go home today, I will be pupless.

Tomorrow will be the first Christmas morning without a pup at home because none of them could come home for the the holiday.

Even though I was sad, I managed to have a smile on my face as I thought about my Life.

Growing up I had 2 best friends. They lived on either side of my house and the 3 of us were always together.

Liam and Zayn had always protected me because I was always the shorter one and I was the youngest, not to mention I was also the only omega out of the group and because of that they were never too far from my side.

We had only ever had one fight and I told them I had never wanted to see them again. I can't remember exactly what we had fought about. But soon after, my first heat came, I was scared because I was home alone so I screamed for them to come and save me.

Liam was 16 and Zayn had just had his 15th birthday. I was only 13 years old but the pain I felt was excruciating. My parents were away for the weekend and I was alone and scared that some random alpha might walk by and scent me. I read how that could happen and there was a story on the news of that very thing last month.

The omega was almost raped by some random alpha who scented his heat though a slightly opened window while. The Alpha took it upon himself to stop exercising and break into the omegas house.

But thankfully the omega's actual Alpha had left work early after getting a frantic call about the unexpected heat. Neither of them were expecting a break in but thankfully the Alpha had made it home just in time and stopped the unknown alpha from attacking his husband.

Liam and Zayn heard my screams and frantically raced to my room. My inner omega felt safe and happy. I had called for them and they came for me. I remember how happy my omega  was.

My omega was so impressed with how fast they came to my rescue that he ended up causing my heat to intensify. The intensified heat had triggered both of their ruts and we spent the entire weekend together.

When my heat ended after 2 days, I knew I had gotten pregnant. Heats were supposed to last 7 days and if it ended sooner then that, it would be because the omega got pregnant or they took anti heat drugs.

I didn't take any drugs, so I knew I was pregnant. 

I had felt so ashamed because not only was I a teenager, I had sex with 2 different alphas. Yeah these alphas were my friends but I felt like I had ruined the friendship between us.

We had never talked about mating and here I was 13 years old and pregnant with zero clue as to which one of them was the father of my pup.

Both of them had sensed that I was in distress and they scented me to help me relax.

I cried for 3 hours before I had passed out. On Monday morning I was alone in bed and I could already smell the faint honey scent coming off of my body.

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