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"Mom can you help me out here?" Brandon asked as I was holding a very happy Louis in my arm and pouring some dry cereal in a bowl for him to enjoy.

I looked at my now grown up pup and was in awe of him. He used to be so clumsy and had a lisp when he was younger. He was basically afraid of his own shadow most of the time. He was my cautious one. He wouldn't do anything unless he was sure the outcome would be something good. He was also my quiet one. He barely cried and he was the only one that didn't get into the cabinets when he started to crawl and walk.

He has grown and changed so much and I love the man he has become. It's bittersweet to see your children grow up and not need you as much but it's amazing to see who they become.

My silly clumsy pup is gone and now is my pup had grown into such an amazingly strong Alpha. He is loving, caring and supportive towards his mate. My pup is no longer a child, he's a man now and pretty soon I will get to see him embark on the journey that is fatherhood.

"Sure what do you need?" I asked

"Okay so it's no secret that Charlie is pregnant. My sweet perfect mate blessed me with a pup of our own, but I hate seeing him like this. He's puking all the time and crying about it. He pukes because he eats but then gets super nauseous if he doesn't eat. How do I help him?" My pup whined

We had all congratulated them the night we found out Charlie was pregnant. It has been a month since the news of my first grand pup was announced.

Louis was now 11 months old and he was in his way to be an uncle.

it's crazy to think that in another month my littlest pup will be an entire year old. It will be a year since I found him in that public bathroom.

I placed Louis in the high chair and gave him his cereal. He clap in delight and said "chu"

I smiled because that was his way of saying thank you. My Lou bear was a smart pup. Once I was sure that Louis was properly secure, I opened the pantry and grabbed some cinnamon sticks and ginger power. I put the ingredients in a small pot and filled it half way with water.

Once that got to a boil I poured it over a bag of green tea. When I had been pregnant and scared that I was dying because I was 13 and didn't know what morning sickness was, my mom made this for me and it cured my morning sickness within minutes.

I needed this tea every pregnancy because my morning sickness was that bad. Another good thing about having my little Lou bear was I got to have a pup without experiencing pregnancy symptoms.

Once the cup of tea was cool enough to drink, I gave it to Brandon and told him to give it to his mate. He was so thankful and very carefully walked upstairs to give his bed ridden mate the remedy.

With the new pup coming, I had told the boys that they should stay here and save as much money as they could. Charlie would work short shifts at a near by animal hospital and Brandon has gotten a job at the local zoo.

With them being here, they would be able to save their money and with 3 sets of grandparents, 2 dads and a mom, if those two needed help buying a house, we would help them.

I looked back at Louis and in the 8 minutes it took to make the tea, there were some cheerios scattered on the floor and he was passed out in his high chair and some how he had managed to get a half eaten Cheerio stuck to his forehead.

Of course I had to take a photo of this.

I picked up my baby and managed to remove the crusted cheerio without waking him.

My sweet little pup was my world. I've always loved being a mom but having Louis changed my heart in ways I didn't know could happen.

I saved his life but he also saved mine. I was heartbroken knowing that my pups would be fine on their own and living their own lives. Poor Louis wasn't even given a chance at a life until I came along.

He gave the tiniest growl in his sleep and he sniffed for my milk. I was wearing my robe so it was easy for me to open and place my pup on my nipple.

I laughed when I heard him let out a little toot . I checked his diaper and he was was clean so he didn't need to be changed. So I just laid and cuddled with my baby on the sofa and I felt myself fall asleep.

I wasn't sure how much time passed but when I woke up Louis was on my chest and just looking at me.

My baby boy was looking at me as if I was the best person in the world. I ran my fingers through his hair and he let out the cutest purr. My littlest pup is so perfect.

"Mama" Louis cooed as he looked at me with so much love and admiration in his beautiful blue eyes.

"Yes my little boo bear I'm you're mama" I said before kissing him on his perfect little nose

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