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I had been outside in this park for 3 hours on Christmas Eve reminiscing on my life.

In that time Phillip called and said that he was pulling a double shift but wanted to wish me a merry Christmas. He also asked if I could send him his childhood blanket because he forgot to pack it. He was always my forgetful pup. He would forget his head if it wasn't attached to him.

Adam had sent me a photo of his latest creation. He had designed the most stunning wedding cake that I've ever seen. It was truly a work of art. He had always been my most creative pup. He always had some kind of art project going on and would ask to make cookies so we could decorate them with royals icing.

Brandon and Charlie video chatted me for a few minutes because a new elephant was born and they had the honor of naming it. I smiled knowing that there was an elephant named Niall in the world.

Jacob had asked me about I was feeling. He was always the most sensitive of my pups. He knew that this was a difficult time for me and called to
Check up on me. He tried to come home for Christmas but couldn't make it. He called crying when he found out he couldn't come home.

Logan texted me a photo of what looked like 3 day old pizza and asked if it was safe to eat. You would think after getting food poisoning 4 times last semester he would be more cautious about that he ate.

And James called to ask me if I needed help with Christmas plans. He was my oldest and always my biggest helper. He would also help coordinate his brothers so that all my pups would come home for the holidays.

I was always so thankful for this. All my pups would come home and I would feel like a proud mama because my babies knew that they could always come home. But this year was heartbreaking because my pups were gone.

Zayn called me because he could sense that I was sad through our bond. He hates when I'm sad and he promised to order in my favorite take out to help cheer me up. He offered to fake an emergency to get out of work.

Liam video chatted me and talked me through the crying fit I had. He offered to leave work early so that he could get me and then take me home for much needed cuddles.

My alphas truly are amazing,  but I didn't want them to disrupt their days. Liam had a huge consultation that could basically guarantee that a privatize bussing service would only use exclusive Malik-Payne motor products. It was huge and the more the the business grew the more we were able to pay back our parents for taken care of everything while we were young and all our pups would have increased savings that they could use when they settle down.

Zayn was now a college professor and he has a meeting to expand scholarships to people who were interested in sciences. Most college's offered sports scholarships but he's been working for over year to get the college to offer better academic scholarships for the science department.

That meeting would give so many people better opportunities to expand their education. I couldn't let other people suffer and lose out on college opportunities just because I was sad that my youngest pup went off to college and the rest of them couldn't come home.

When I got tired of sitting down I decided to walk around the park.

The air was chilled and I could Already feel that winter was going to be cold. We were set to have a freeze warning. On the plus side a fire place being set in Christmas morning would be romantic.

The park has a café that I had always visited with the pups. The owners knew us and when they heard they Phillip was off at college and my pups wouldn't be him for the holiday, they gave me a free coffee.

So the money that the coffee would have cost me went into tip car and i tipped another $50 because if they're open on Christmas Eve instead of spending time with family they deserve the money.

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