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"Da da daaaaaa Ba ba baaaaaa" Louis sang as I wheeled his stroller into the science building.

Liam was off today and he went with Zayn to work because there was a science experiment going on and he needed help with the Mechanical components.

Louis was super happy because he knew he was going to see his fathers. My poor pup woke up from his mid day nap and was crying for them so I decided to just drive down to the university with a packed lunch.

Some of the students were still working on the project so i made family style trays of of teriyaki chicken, pasta with Alfredo sauce, a simple garden salad and some non alcoholic cider for us to eat. Since the stroller had a basket underneath it was easy to travel with the food and the disposal plates, cups and silverware.

When I got to Zayn's classroom I knocked on the door and Louis was trying to escape the straps of his stroller to run to my alphas. Unfortunately he ended up tangled in the straps and was on the verge of crying

Liam opened the door and gave me a quick kiss before looking down at our angry pup

"Relax baby I got you" Liam said as he reached to save our baby from the "mean" straps.

As soon Louis was in Liam's arms he squealed happily and gave Liam a kiss on the cheek that was filled with drool.

"Is that my baby" Zayn said from behind his desk.

Louis wiggled about and had his arms reached out towards his Baba. Louis laughed so loudly when he received an overload of kisses.

Liam helped me get the food from the strollers basket and we set out the trays so that the students could come in and eat.

Louis wasn't interested in the food and when he was put in the ground he toddled his way to one of the tables.

I looked on in confusion because my baby's eyes were glowing blue which meant his wolf was in charge. My mates and I watched as Louis unconsciously tried to open one of the random backpacks.

He didn't succeed and he wolf let out a little whine. He then proceeded to yank 3 sweatshirts that were on the back of the chairs and dragged them to a corner of the room.

We watched as Louis made a little pile and laid on top of the clothes.

"Did he just make a nest?" Zayn asked in confusion

"What the hell. He's too young to be making nests! He's a baby" Liam
Said and when he tried to removed Louis from the nest our pup growled at him. And then burrowed under the clothes.

Before I could speak the door swung open. I got scared and hid behind my alphas.

3 young alphas walked in with bright red eyes and were sniffing the air. They growled and grumbled.

Then I heard a giggle and little Louis left his nest and ran to these alphas. My heart leap out of my chest as I ran to get my baby. I had no idea who the hell these Alpha's were and I want to protect my pup

I was met by a growl and I was terrified. Zayn and Liam jumped into action and 2 of the 3 alphas went flying across the room and were slammed into a wall and a nearby bookshelf.

Louis bit me and then ran out my arms. He ran to the third alpha and this man got down in his knees and scooped my baby into his arms. Louis was purring and nuzzling the alpha.

"Edward you have 2 seconds to tell me Why you're holding my pup" Zayn growled with his teeth lengthening like he was ready to rip Edwards throat out

Louis looked at this Edward character and smiled. "E-Dee" he laughed and gave the alpha and innocent kiss on the cheek.

"This is your pup?" Another alpha spoke. It finally dawned on me that these young alphas looked exactly the same. The were triplets 

"Well Professor. Malik-Payne, it appears that your pup is my mate. I am an identical triplet so he is also Harry and Marcel's mate too" Edward stated

My heart shattered. My innocent baby met his Mates. He wasn't even a year old yet and those Alpha's were maybe 20 years old. There's no way they will accept him. He's too little. No sane alpha will wait 17 years to claim Their mate. The were going to reject my baby and Louis will be in constant pain

"How do we go about this? He's just a baby but I don't feel comfortable letting him out of my sight. He needs to be protected until he's of age" one of the triplets said as he took Louis from his brothers arms and Louis purred

"Wait you're not going to reject him?" I asked

"God no! Yes there's clearly an age difference but he is our mate. We will
Wait for him but in the meantime I hope you let us visit him" the third triplets said

"I'm not ready for this. Louis is a baby and now he already has 3 mates!"
Liam said with an expression that made him look like he was going to faint

Louis let out another laugh and tried to jump into the final Alpha's arms

What the hell just happened? 

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