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"Can you say James? Jay-m-zzzz"

"How about Jacob or even Jake?"

"Low-gin. Can you say that?"

"Phillip. Phil. Lip? Can you try those?"

My mates and I were laughing as we watched our pups try to get Louis to say their names.

Now that our pup was walking he was getting into everything. He was opening cabinets, following his brothers into their rooms, taking clothes out the laundry basket, pulling on the curtains and even participating in taking off his diaper and running in the nude. He liked causing mischief.

Louis has become such an amazing and bright pup. He was till small even for an omega but our pup met all his milestones ahead of time.

I'm conclusion He was such a smarty pants.

"How about you four stop harassing Louis because we all know he's going to say Brandon first" Brandon said as he walked in the door

Louis shrieked in happiness.

"We weren't expecting you!" I said as I ran to give my pup a hug. Charlie was right behind him and I gave Charlie a hug.

"Charlie I'm so happy that you're here too!" I said and I hugged him

"Thanks for always welcoming me. It means a lot to me" Charlie said as he let out a soft sniffle.

Louis got up from the floor and toddled his way to Charlie.

"Li no cry" Louis said and then he scented Charlie's pant leg since that's all he was tall enough for.

"I've been trying to get him to say my name for a week and Charlie comes over and 2 seconds later Louis says his name. I see this the favorite is" Logan said as he fake cried in hopes of getting Louis' attention

Louis looked at his other brother and with all the confidence in the world he said "no cry bro deek"

As a mom I'm not supposed to laugh when my pup curses but I couldn't help it.

My mates laughed as well. Louis was happy and made his way back to Liam.

"Baby that's not a nice word" Zayn said and then my other pups repeated the scold. as Liam tried to  picked up our pup. Louis' Omega nearly let out a shriek of pain.

His omega was incredibly attached to his alphas fathers, it hated disappointing them. Omega pups were sensitive in that way.

The sound he made sent the entire room upside down. We were all freaking out and trying our best to soothe the emotions of a baby omega.

His omega was completely distraught and confused. Then Louis had started screaming in pain. Pain that made me drop to my knees. My pup was hurting in a way he shouldn't hurt. He's only a pup. This shouldn't be happening.

His cries of pain was causing all of us to hurt because the sight of a pup in pain was something we didn't want to see.

Then when we noticed his hair was changing colors, we knew what was happening.

He was shifting.

We all have an inner alpha, omega or Beta but most of the general population did not shift because they couldn't.

But seeing our pup have the ability to actually shift into a wolf was something so rare and so few blood lines could even do it. Including us there are 14 total bloodlines in this entire country that can even shift. Part of the reason our parents even migrated to the same area was because we were all part of the original royal bloodlines. We're not royals at all but our blood line comes from one of the royal ones.

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