Chapter 1 ~ Introduction

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Chapter 1 ~ Introduction

Let me know what you think!

I know the beginning is a little rocky but bear with me!

Hope you enjoy!                                                 

(Ruthie's POV)


MICHAEL! I screamed dropping my bags and running to him jumping in his open arms knocking him to the ground.  "I missed you so much," I said as my brother and I lay on the airport floor. 

"I missed you to, Pix." He replied using his nickname for me.  Even though I'm only thirty-seven minutes younger that Michael I've always been a little short for my age. Michael use to say I looked like a pixie, with my short and thin figure, choppy mid back length chocolate brown hair, and unique bright green eyes, hence the nickname Pix.  "How was England?"

"It was amazing, so beautiful, I loved it, but I missed home I'm, glad to be back."  I stated finely.

A year ago I lost my best friend and boyfriend in the same night, to each other. The most popular girl in school Cindy Crawford was throwing a bash to celebrate her new breast implants.  I went with my best friend since third grade Katie and my boyfriend of a year Jace, a pretty normal thing for us.  However later that night they both had disappeared and when I went to look for them I found them in bed together.  SURPRISE! Anyways after that I shut down and then three months into the school year my English teacher recommended me to a program to finish the next six months of the school year in England, and since I wanted to get away from everything I jumped at the chance. And now I'm back.

I laughed and we got up off the floor and headed our way to the baggage claim, "how mom and dad?" I asked him as we waited for my bags.

"Well they're mom and dad," He answered running his fingers through his light caramel hair as his blue eyes focused on me.  "You know how they are."  Our mom and dad are lawyers and never home.  Michael and I were partially raised by our nanny Riesa, who left us to care for her sick dad when we reached the age of fifteen.

"Where is Christian?" I asked looking behind my brother.

"He had something to do; he'll be over later."  Michael replied.  Christian is my brother best friend; he grew up with Michael and me.  His father and our father were best friends in college and now work together at the law firm while his mother is a doctor.  So he's a rich kid raised by a nanny just like us.  In fact we were raised by each other nannies for we were earthier at his house or he was at ours.  He was mainly at our house.    But I'll explain him a little more later on.

 "So what happened the last couple months of school so I'm not blindsided when we go back?" I tested not really sure if I wanted to know the answer.

"Not much, it was school.  Mr. Fish, the biology teacher was arrested for child porn, and Mrs. Lang the math teacher got married to a new football couch Mr. Danes. As for student gossip, Mike and Georgia (the golden couple) broke up after three year together.  Bailey Hunter is pregnant again, but the time with Asher Thai's baby.   Jenna Jordan is still a massive drama bitch..." he said stalling for he knew what I was really asking.

"Michael, just tell me," I finally demanded.

"Yes, Katie and Jace are a couple." He sighed as my stomach dropped for just a second but then I smiled pretending I didn't care.

"Hey Michael, it is okay I'm over it, really.  Now let's just get home, I'm tired." I assured him as we finally saw my bags coming towards us.  Michael grabbed my bag and we headed out to his car and started home.  I slid into the passage seat of Michael's black camaro rolled down the window leaning my head back enjoying the wind hitting my face, can't wait to get and take a nap.

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