Chapter 3 ~ Michael and Remy

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Chapter 3 ~ Michael and Remy

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(Christian’s POV)


I awoke still next to Ruthie; she was snuggled into my chest with my arms wrapped around her.  It felt good to have her in my arms, and the way her small frame conformed perfectly to my side.  I look down at her flawless face her brown hair flowing out behind her.  I ran my fingers through her hair letting it slip through my fingers, ran my knuckles down her cheek, and slowly ran my pointer finger over her soft lips.  Suddenly without thinking I leaned down and kissed her, just a quick simple kissed.

“Christian, Ruthie,” I heard Michael call.

I quickly and carefully got out of bed and hurried down stairs.  “Hey guys,” I greeted them.

“Hey, how Ruthie?” Remy asked.

“She alright still asleep. How was the rest of the party?” I questioned.

“It was fun,” Michael stated looking at Remy.

“Okay what’s going on, between you two?” I quizzed.

“Nothing at the moment,” Michael defended himself.  “We have talked a lot and admitted that we are into each other, but nothing has happen, and we’re not sure if anything will happen.”

 “Okay, well I’m going to check on Ruthie.   I thought we could do a movie day since Pix isn’t feeling to well.” I suggested running up the steps.

“Yeah go check on Pix, and we’ll get everything set up down here.” Micheal said.

“Oh, and lets watch The Hunger Games first, it’s her favorite.” I told them as the nodded and headed back to Ruthie.  “Hey you’re up, how you feeling?”  I sat next to her as she took two aspirins.

“I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck, with a drill going off in my head.” She whined as I laughed lightly at her holding her head.  “I’m so glad my pain gives you amusement.”

“Oh come on Pix.  I think maybe you should take a shower and get downstairs before Michael comes up an finds out that you not sick but hung over.” I recommend as I helped her out of bed.


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