Chapter 10 -Two Can Play That Game!

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Chapter 10 –Two Can Play That Game!

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(Ruthie’s POV)


The past couple weeks have been complete bliss but such crap at the same time.  It bliss for me and Christian since Michael has been hangout with his new blond girlfriend from the beach, he not around so much and we get some serious girlfriend/boyfriend time. However it was crap because Remy is really pissed and a little hurt, that Michael has a new girlfriend, and he is really rubbing it in her face.

At the moment Christian and I were sitting in the living room making however my mind was on Remy.  “Pix, come on I’m doing my best work here,” Christian whined as he could tell I wasn’t really into it.  “You still worried about Rem?”

“I hate what my brother is doing,” I told him with a sigh.

“I know, but babe you can’t do anything about him being stupid.” Christian said just as Michael and his Beach Barbie came through the door.

“Hey guys,” Michael greeted us sitting next to me on the couch with Barbie on his lap making out.

“I’ll be outside,” I called yet when I open the door the was Remy lipped locked with some blond boy, and Michael eyes filled with rage.

“Never mind, I’ll be upstairs,” I stated shutting the door.

“I’ll join you,” Christian chimed following me upstairs.

“War world three,” I sang as we entered my room.


The next couple of day consisted of me and Christian held up in my room, watching movies and surf the web, basically just hung out.  While Remy and Michael time with their toys; having make out challenges, fighting, and making each other more and more jealous.  Today they been fighting for three hours straight, so Christian and I decided to go break it up.

“Hey you two, cut it out,” I yelled as the both huffed and crossed their arms. “Where are Beach Barbie and Porch Boy?” I asked they were here when we headed upstairs.

“About an hour ago, Heather and Luke decided they were better for each other instead of us.” Michael scoffed.

“Beach Barbie and Porch Boy ran off together,” Christian spoke laughing and I laughed along however Michael and Remy didn’t see the humor.  “You know Michael I think I may have the perfect girl for you?” Christian suggested looking over to me and tilting his head towards rage filled Remy, and I smile and nodded in understanding.

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