Chapter 16 -Pixie!

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Chapter 16 -Pixie!

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(Christian's POV)


A little over two hours ago Ruthie pulled her car up my driveway, got out, made it halfway to the door and stopped. Now as I sit at my window watching her as she paced back and forth talking to herself. Gigi has been up three or four times asking if she should just go out and invite her in , and I've told her no, she needs to come up on her own. Although it's driving me crazy waiting for her, wondering what she's here for.

Finally she stopped pacing, held her arms tight to her side, took a deep breath, and start towards the front door of my house. I ran to my bedroom door opening it slightly just as the bell rang through the house.

"Miss Ruthie how nice it is to see you," Gigi said answering the door.

"Hey Gigi, how have you been?" Ruthie asked.

"Just fine Miss Ruthie, thanks for asking. How may I help you this evening?" Gigi asked.

"Is Christian home, I need to talk to him." Ruthie stated.

"He is up in his room, just go on up," Gigi allowed as I shut my door locking it.

"Christian, it's me Ruthie," she called knocking on my door. "Christian I know you in there, come on open up," I still didn't answer. "Christian open the damn door," She scolded. I let a sigh and opened the door. Ruthie was standing there in her fuzzy blue pajama bottoms with small silver stars print all along them with a matching top with a big silver star printed on the front. She also wearing house slippers, her hair is a wreck, no makeup, and yet she still looks insanely beautiful.

"Ruthie what are...?" I started but she cut me off by smashing her lips onto mine. At first I was caught off guard but soon melted into her kiss wrapping my arms around her. It felt so good to have her in my arms again, I pulled her closer and I felt her smiled into the kiss before she deepen it. She wrapped her arms around my neck and tangled her hand in my hair, as I slowly back up and lowered us on my bed.

After what seem like only seconds she broke the kiss her eyes still close as she tried to catch her breath. "What are you doing here Ruthie?" I asked once she opened her eyes.

"I...Uh...Michael," she started and sat up.

"Pixie," I whispered sitting up placing my forehead to hers.

"I'm here because I love you, and I make my own choices. I choose you, I chose you. I will always choose you." She stated slowly placed her hands to the sides on my face and kissed me.

"I love you too, but Michael..." I pulled away.

"Well he doesn't have a say in how I run my life, but he did say somewhere in our conversations that he approves I we really love each other then he approves." She explained wrapping her arm around my neck again as I smiled and kissed her.

This she pulled away, "just don't hurt me, because he will kill you," she stated as she and I laughed.

"Love you Pix," I said.

"Love you," she replied.


Hope you're enjoyed this chapter!

One chapter left!

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Epilogue chapter is next!

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