Chapter 9 - Jealousy!

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Chapter 9 – Jealousy!

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(Christian’s POV)


“Hey, Ruthie, get up,” I shook as yet she turned over putting a pillow over her head.  “Come on Pixie, get up.” I repeated removing the pillow and I she sat I caught her mouth with mine.  I felt her smile in the kiss and pulled back.

“Well that’s nice to wake up to,” she smiled up at me.

“Remy and Michael want to go to down to the beach, so they sent me up here to tell you to get ready.” I explained helping her out of bed.

“Lucky you,” she teased leaning into me.  “Now give me a minute to get ready and I’ll be down.”  She pushed me lightly out of her room and shut the door while I went downstairs to wait with Remy and Michael. After a few minute she finally bounced down the steps in a white sun dress as she pulled her hair into a messy bun.  “Okay I’m ready.”


“Are all you two just going to is lay there, come join us in the water?” Michael asked the girls after about twenty minutes.

“No thanks, in about ten more minute we are going to roll over on are stomachs and tan our backs now get out of the way your blocking the sun.” Remy snapped.

“Fine,” he smirked and walked off.

“What about you Pix, you rather lay and tan than paly in the water with you boyfriend?” I tease once Michael was out of earshot.

“Wow the first official time you called yourself my boyfriend,” Ruthie smiled.  “But I’m still going to lay here and tan.”

“Oh come on baby, don’t make me beg,” I whined.

“Fine, but just for a little bit, you know I’m not fond of the ocean,” she finally agreed and I grabbed her hand helping her to her feet.

“You know you look sexy in that red bikini,” I complimented her as we walked down to the water.

“Really, I was hoping you like it,” she stated.  I grabbed her wrist to stop her and made sure Michael wasn’t looking before I quickly planted a kiss on her lips.  She pulled back laughing and wrapping an arm around my neck spinning behind me before jumping up on my back wrapping her legs around my torso.  “Now off to the water.”

“Hey Michael, look who I got to join us,” I said walking into the water and Michael span around to face us.

“Already on his back Pix, the water’s not that bad.” He told her.

“Hey, if I can see into it than I don’t like it,” She demanded.

“Alright, come here,” He called to her as she moved from my back to his, and he whispered something in her ear as she nodded.  “One, two, three,” and a splash of water hit me in the face.

“So not cool guys,” I splashed them back as Ruthie squealed.  For a few minutes we played a splashing war Ruthie and Michael against me, till Ruthie said she was hungry, and I told Michael I take her back to the blanket as she climbed back on my back.

“Hey watched it, you’re getting me wet,” Remy yelled sitting up as we returned to the blanket and I shook the water out of my hair.

“Sorry Rem,” I apologized and sat next to Ruthie who grabbed a soda and grapes out of the cooler. 

We sat with Remy for a little bit as we eat and talked.  Ruthie was in the middle of telling me about a party where her and Remy showed up to girls in a dance out, when she asked Remy, “I swear she turned about twenty shade of red with rage, didn’t she Remy?”  Yet Remy didn’t answer her gaze was trained on something down the shore.  Ruthie and I followed her gaze and there was Michael with his arms wrapped around a tall skinny blonde girl’s waist spinning around in the water.  

Remy face grew angrier the longer she watched them play around in the water, she finally let out an furious groan, “I’m going to the bathroom,” she forced out and took off up the beach to the bathhouse.  Ruthie and I both knew she just wanted to get away from the sight in front of her.

“I didn’t know she still liked Michael that much,” Ruthie commented once Remy was out of earshot.

“Neither did I, and by the way he had acted when Remy turned him down to join us in the water I thought he still liked her as well.”  I remarked.

“I think he still does, but he better wise up before Remy gets more jealous.  Because when I girl is jealous world war three is about to start and there is nowhere you can hide.” Ruthie stated and stared off towards Michael then looked over at me with a seldom expression.


Hope you’re enjoying this chapter!

Do you think Remy and Michael still like each other?

Do you think they should try to get back together?

What do you think Remy going to do?

Please leave me comments and/or ideas, thank for those who have already you guys are the best, I love you guys!

If you have any questions you want to ask me or any character in the story please type the question in the comment area and they will be answered!             


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