Chapter 6 - Confused Part Two!

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Chapter 6 – Confused Part Two!

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(Ruthie’s POV)


“I’m so confused,” I whined to Remy falling back on to me bed.

“About what?” She asked.

“Christian,” I answered.

“Ah, Christian, well obviously you both are in to each other, so get together already.” She stated bluntly.

“I don’t know if I want to be with him, I don’t know if he wants to be with me, and there id Michael to consider…” I started to explain as Remy cut me off.

“You don’t know if you want to be with him?  Girl all I’ve heard about in England was of Christian.  At some point I wondered if he was real.  You always said how wanted to be his girl.” She said.

“Okay I have always wanted to be his, but it was always kind of an ‘I wish’ type of thing.” I admitted.

“Well here is your wish come true, go get him,” She told me.

“I don’t even know if he wants to be with me, in fact that’s a fear of mine.” I declared softly.


“Hey I’m home,” Michael said coming into my room.  “Did you guys go shopping?” she asked looking at all the bags around my room.

“Well yeah, Christian took us.” I informed him.

“Where is Christian?” He questioned.

“We don’t know, haven’t seen him since we got home.  But then we been up here the whole time so.” I replied and with that he left.

Only for him to come back a few minutes later handing me the phone without a word but seemed a little bugged. “Hello,” I answered.

“Hi Ruthie, its Jace,” he replied and my eyes went wide and mouthed ‘it’s Jace’ to Remy as she moved closer to me to hear our conversation.

“Oh, hey Jace, is there something I can help you with?” I tried to sound calm.

“No, I was just calling to see how you were?” he said.

“Well, I’m just fine,” I told him.

“That’s great, so are you going back to England?” he wondered.

“No, Christian really wants me to stay here,” I explained.

“Oh, that right your dating him now,” he replied reminding me of our little show at the fountain earlier today.

“Yeah we’re together now, finally,” I added.

“Well I hope that works out for you, but I go to go see you.” He finished and hung up.

“He’s jealous, Christian was so right,” Remy admired as I smiled.

“Hey what did Jace want?” Michael asked as Remy and I walk downstairs to return the phone to the charger.

“Jace called you?” Christian question startled.

“He just called to see how I was,” I simply replied sending a knowing smile towards Christian.

“You’re not getting back with him are you?” Michael wondered as he and Christian turn the attention on me.

“No, I would never get back with him,” I assured them.  “Now can we please get off this subject?”

“Okay you guys want to watch of movie?” Remy suggested and we all agreed.  She then quickly jumped into the seat next to Michael leaving the only seat open next to Christian.  I sat down next to Christian as Michael search through the movie channels.

“Okay it’s earthier Mama or Escape from planet earth.” Michael said.

“Let’s watch Mama, I love horror films,” Remy declared smiling at me.

“Remy you know I hate horror,” I whispered grabbing her arm.

“Exactly,” she whispered back.

We are not even halfway through the movie and I’m already latched on to Christian arm hiding.  I’m going to kill Remy for this.  I felt Christian vibrate with silent laughter putting his arm around me, where my face was hidden in the crook of his neck.  I took a deep breath inhaling the familiar of Apple Spice.  Soon I could no longer hear the movie as I relaxed in the safety of Christian’s arms, the warmth of his soothing voice telling me everything okay.  The shivering sensation of his finger tracing circles over my arm.  Relax at the feeling to feel loved.

Next thing I know its morning and I waking on the couch next to Remy only she’s laying the opposite way and Michael laying on the floor.  However Christian was missing.  I got up slowly making sure not to wake up Remy and Michael making my way into the Kitchen where Christian was making eggs.

“Morning Pixie, want some eggs,” he asked.

“Sure,” I answered sitting at the bar in the middle of the kitchen and he placed a glass of orange juice in front of me.  He then finished cooking scrambled eggs handing me a plate and fork than got him a plate, fork, and glass of orange juice and sat next to me.  We didn’t talk, we ate in silence.  Once we both finished I picked up out plates and glasses place in the sink, yet once I turned around Christian had trapped my between him and the sink.

“Don’t I get a proper thank you?” he asked.

“Thank you,” I replied.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, “I said a proper thank you.” He demanded and I smiled lift up on my tippy-toes grabbed his shirt and pulled him down towards my kissing him.  Slowly I pulled away, “Be mine?” he suddenly asked.


Hope you’re enjoying this chapter!

What should Ruthie say?

What do you think of Christian and Ruthie friendship/relationship?

What will Michael think?

What will Remy think?

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