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(Ruthie's POV) 



"Remy, clam down, you look beautiful, my brother is very lucky." I said trying to stop Remy freaking out. 

"Why am I doing this?" She asked panicked. 

"Because you love Michael," I reminded her. 

"Yeah, I do love Michael," she assured herself and began to calm down. 

"Knock knock, Remy baby it's time to go," Remy father came in. "You look beautiful baby. It seems like yesterday that nurses was placing you in my arms, and now look at you all grown up and getting married." 

"Awe, daddy don't make me cry and ruin my make-up, and of course none of us wouldn't be here today, if it weren't for my beautiful maid of honor." She smiled and hugged me as we line up and started down the aisle. 


The ceremony was beautiful, Remy and Michael were so happy, and you cloud see their love. We now sat at a long table me next to Remy and Christian as best man sat next to Michael. I stood up, "Everyone quiet down, it's time for the maid of honor and best man speech," I said as everyone quieted down. 

"I'm Remy's maid of honor, and best friend. I met Remy three years ago, when I spent six months in England. The second I met her I knew she be the sister I always wanted and never had. Instead I got an annoying older twin brother. I love my brother more than anything he always took care and protected me as we grew up. Once I returned to home from England Remy came to stay with me for the summer, and then she met my brother and never went home. I've never seen anyone more in love than Remy and Michael. To Michael and Remy, may they have a long healthy marriage, and all they ever dream of." I finished my speech raising my glass a Christian stood up winking at me. 

"I'm Michael best man and best friend since forever really. I grew up with him and Ruthie, I got to watch him fall more in love with Remy every day since they met. However I do have the note that Michael wrote to a certain Candy Foster in first grade." Christian said pulling out a sheet of paper as Michael turned beat red and chuckled. "Dear Candy, today I watched you play at recess and decided, spelled D-E-S-I-D-E-I-D, that I will marry you one day. Do you want to marry me?" Unfortunately this letter never made it to Candy's procession, but I figured that Remy should know that she will always be Michael's second choice." 

"It's true, Candy will always be my first choice," I heard Michael tease Remy as she playfully pushed him. 

"Truly I've never seen Michael love anyone more than he loves Remy, and Remy is the sweetest girl in the world, and I couldn't pick a better girl for my best friend; to Michael and Remy." He finished raising his glass. 


"Ladies and Gentleman please clear the floor for the bride and grooms first dance." The DJ announced as everyone clear the floor and Michael lead Remy to the dance floor as the song "I Swear," by John Michael Montgomery started to flow through the speakers. They dance for a few minutes before the DJ added, "at this time Michael and Remy would like any other couples in love please join them on the dance floor," and Christian came over grabbing my hand and led me to the dance floor. 

"They look happy, don't they?" He asked as I glanced over at Remy and Michael looking at each other lovingly. 

"Was there ever any doubt," I countered smiling up at him as he lean down and kissed me. 

We danced to a few more song together when Michael and Remy came over to us, "Hey Christian can I steal you away from Ruthie long enough for one dance?" Remy questioned. 

"Of course," He accepted as he took Remy's hand to dance and Michael took mine. 

"So how does it feel to be a married man?" I asked my brother. 

"Well considering I married to the love of my life it feels pretty damn good," he answered. "You know in a couple years Remy and I might be attending your wedding," he stated looking over at Christian and Remy. 

"You know if Christian asked me today to marry him I would," I told him. 

"I'm glad you said that," he said dropping my hand and headed over to the DJ taking the mike, "Okay can everyone but my sister Ruthie leave the dance floor please." He announced as everyone left the dance floor. I looked at my brother and he gestured for me to turn around, as I did I saw Christian on one knee holding a ring box. 

"Ruthie Rosman will you marry me?" he asked. 

"Yes," I answered as he slipped the ring on my finger and kissed me. 



There you go! 

Thanks to those who have reading and commenting. You are the best followers I could ask for. You are the reason I kept this story going! 

Check out the sequel My Borther's Best Friend's Fiancee!


If you have questions you want to ask me or any character in the story please type the question in the comment area and it will be answered. I would really love to hear from you all on your thoughts or suggestion! 

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