Chapter 5 - Confused Part One!

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 Chapter 5 – Confused Part One!

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(Christian’s POV)


Last night Ruthie had fallen asleep in the car, and I had to carry her to her room.  She fit so perfectly in my arms like she belonged there and I always kind of believe that she does.  Last night was so perfect, even though technically it wasn’t a date, I counted it.  Now I’m just hoping that Ruthie did to.

“Ugh,” I heard Michael groan from his bed.

“Everything alright man?” I asked.

“Just the morning after a bad date with a girl living in the house,” he explained sitting up.

“Yeah, what happen between you and Remy last night? Everything was going great, Ruthie and I went to sing, and when we came back you two stood up and left.” I inquired.

“We had a disagreement,” he shrugged.

“What kind of disagreement?” I pried.

“Our view on premarital sex,” he stated shyly.

“Oh Michael you know Ruthie going to kill you if Remy tells her right.  That’s her best friend.” I started to say but was cut off.

“Michael Anthony Rosman,” Ruthie shouted.

“Told you man,” I smirk and lay back down on the couch as Michael went into the hall to endure his sister wrath.


Once Michael left for work I made my way downstairs for breakfast.  I went straight for the fridge to get orange juice.  “Hey,” I jumped once I heard the voice turning around.

“Jeez Remy you scare the hell out of me,” I replied out of breath.

“Sorry,” she apologized scrunching up her nose. “So how last night go?” she question tilting her head to the side.

“It was good,” I simply put rubbing the back of my neck.

“Really just good, because Ruthie said perfect,” she fluttered her eyelashes.

“Really,” I smiled to myself.

“No, she didn’t actually say that, but the way her face lit up when I asked her about it, I just know.” My smile flattered.  “Hey don’t look that way; she had an amazing time last night.  I know you like her.” She pointed out.

“She’s my best friend little sister,” I stated.

“So,” she scolded dumbfounded.

“Michael would murder me; no one is allowed to mess with his baby sister’s heart.  You should have seen what he did to Jace after she left.”

“Then don’t mess with her heart, just care for her.  Although you break her heart then I’ll murder you myself.”

“Again even if I liked her, she doesn’t like me the same way.”

“Look I’m English, but not stupid, you like her, so grow a pair and go after her.” She finished stalking off back upstairs as I sat at the table thinking.   After a few minutes Ruthie came bouncing into the kitchen.

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