Chapter 14 -Choose Your Brother!

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Chapter 14 -Choose Your Brother!

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(Ruthie's POV)


The next day I just lay in bed with the covers pulled over my head blocking out the cruel world. Remy has pick my lock and been in a few times, trying to talk to me but I refuse to say a word. She has brought up food and water for me however I only take a few bites before I feel sick. Michael hasn't even tried to talk to me, which I'm okay with at the moment. I don't want to talk to Michael; I don't want to talk to anyone. I just want to lay here in my bed and cry till I'm completely empty of tears, and even then I still want to just lay here in silence.

"Rose come on at least get out of bed," Remy pleaded. I still didn't say anything; she just sat there, till my phone rang splitting the silence. "I'll get it, if you not going to get it. Hello!" she said answering the phone. "What the hell do you want?" the harshness in her voice made me look up. "Well she's not up to talking to anyone especially you...Rose it's Jace do you want to talk to him?" to my and Remy's surprise I shook my head yes. I don't know why but I felt as if I should here what he had to say. I took the phone and pressed it to my ear however I still couldn't find in myself to talk. "She's listening." Remy shouted.

"Hey Ruthie, I know you're not too happy with me or Katie at moment. I really sorry for what I did last night, I was drunk and a little high; I didn't really have a clue what I was doing. Which is no excuse, I can't tell you why I did what I did, but I can say that I'm truly sorry. I wish you luck, and hope everything with Christian work out. And whether or not you end up with Christian, be happy Ruthie. I wish you all the happiness in the world. This is the last you'll have to hear from me and Katie. I promise. Bye Ruthie I wish you all you want out of life." Jace explained and hung up.

"Bye Jace, thank you," I whispered into the dial tone phone letting it slip out of my fingers and onto the floor. Remy looked a little surprised and picked up the phone hitting the end button.

"Did you just say tanks you to Jace?" Remy asked yet I didn't answer. "Why?" I still didn't answer. But I really did mean thanks I don't blame for what happen, I should but I don't. It was me who decide to hide it, I knew Michael would hate it, and yet I went against my better judgment. Nothing should have happen between Christian and me.

"Hey Remy, any luck," I heard Michael voice from the door and my body stiffened. Remy noticed and pushed Michael out the door into the hallway.

"Rose isn't even talking to me, I don't think she going to want to even see after what you did," I heard her scold him.

"What I did. I'm protecting her." Michael shouted.

"From what?" She yelled.

"I don't want her to get hurt," He stated.

"She is hurt, hurt beyond belief, and you had a part in it. Christian loves her, and she loves him so much." Remy kept of ramming him as I slowly open my door and emerge into the hallway.

"Remy stop," I said softly.

"Ruthie," Michael spoke slowly taking a few steps towards me.

"Don't Michael," I stopped him. "Look, I'm sorry I went behind your back, and I'm sorry I lied to you, especially since I never have before. I know it's going to be hard but I'm going to try my best to gain back your trust again. I hope that one day you'll forgive me for lying and I promise you I'll never lie ever again." I pleaded as tears began to fall.

"Come here Pix," he beckoned opening his arms. I walk up to him and threw my arms around him, "It's okay Pix, I'm not happy about it but I forgive you and trust you always. You're my sister, and I love you." I then let go of him turning around retreating back to the security of my bed and covers before I lose it and breakdown.


KNOCK! KNOCK! "Ruthie can I come in, someone's on the phone for you." Michael called through my door.

"Sure, who is it?" I asked as he entered my room.

"Someone," he replied handing me the phone leaving my room.

"Hello," I answered. "Hello," I repeated when no one replied.

"Ruthie," the voice of the last person I wanted to hear came through.

"What do you want Christian?" I spat.

"Don't be like that Ruthie, please," he pleaded.

"How do you want to be, huh Christian?" I remarked coldly.

"Ruthie," he whined.

"Answer something for me when you said you didn't want to put me through the battle of choosing Michael or you? Were you more afraid of me choosing my brother over you or you over my brother?" I quizzed him, although I think in the back of my mind I knew the answer.

"Choose your brother," he demanded.

"Answer the question," I ordered

"You need to choose Michael," he still avoiding the question.

"Christian, answer the damn question," I repeated.

"I was afraid you would choose me over Michael," he finally answered with a sigh.

"Is that such a bad thing?" I asked.

"Ruthie, Michael is your family; I don't know if he could ever be okay with me and you. And I don't want to be the reason that ruins your relationship with the one person who's always taking care of you when your parents didn't. I know you don't like talking or thinking about it, but it's true." He explained.

"You were always there to," I pointed out.

"If Michael doesn't approve, I don't I could be anymore," he confessed hanging up.


Hope you're enjoying this chapter!

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What do you think about Ruthie and Christian phone conversation?

What do you think Remy and Michael thinking?

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