Chapter 4 - Double Date Kinda

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Chapter 4 – Double Date Kinda

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(Ruthie’s POV)


“Remy asked my permission to accept a date with Michael,” I told Christian the next morning as we eat breakfast.

“Yeah, what you say?” he asked,

“I said yes, but there’s a catch,” I added.

“What’s the catch?” he quizzed.

“They want us to come with.”

“Like a double date?”

“Kinda.  They’ll be on and actual date, and we are just tagging along for support, on a friend date thing.” I explained.

“A friend date.” He whispered to himself walking up the stairs.


“Are you sure this is okay?” Remy asked me for the hundredth time tonight.

“Remy, relax.  It’s fine.” I assured her doing her make up.

“But he is your brother,” She said.

“Remy, stop fretting, it’s really okay.” I scolding dabbing on her lip gloss.  “Now may I say you look super-hot tonight,” as she admired herself in the mirror.  Dressed in a on shoulder strap blood red top that hugged her curves and a knee length flowing black skirt topped off with black sparkle flats.

“Now your turn, get dress,” She demanded pushing some outfits towards me.  “That one for sure,”  She decided on a cute pink top that had a black lace belt under the breast and flowed over the bottom of the shirt along with my white mini skirt and simple white converse.  “Christian won’t be able to resist you, because you look sexy as hell.  If he doesn’t want you I drop Michael in second for a chance with you.”  I smiled and laughed at my crazy best friend.

“Thanks Remy, but you know Christian and I are just going to support you and Michael.” I reminded her.

“Rose, you like him right?” I nodded.

“But Remy it’s not easy he’s my brother’s best friend, and they have the whole bro code thing where best friend’s sisters are off limits.” I pointed out.

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