Beginning of a New Life

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"Sweetie get up its time for school. Don't want to be late for your first day." mom said.

"I'm up mom I'm getting ready. Be down in a few."

"OK honey hurry up though."

"Yes mom."


I got down stairs and ate and ran out the door and got in my car and drove off to head to school. I was new and didn't know how people would react but believe it or not they liked me.

In 8th period there were these guys who came in one named Victor and the other Luke and Victor just couldn't stop staring. I started blushing and the teacher asked "miss Montez will u come up and write on the board what x^2+4x+30 is."

As I walked by he just followed with his eyes and I blushed again and wrote the problem on the board. I went back to my seat and he turn around, "Mr. Victor turn around its not nice to stare and I get she pretty but still." Said Mrs. Kirk.

After 8th period the bell rang and we all walked out of the algebra room and he asked me "h-hey would you like to hang out sometime?"

I said "I don't know have to see what I have going on."
I went home have a cup of coffee and then went up stairs to do my homework.


After homework was done I have to get in the shower and clean up to go to work because I needed the money to help my mother pay the bills.

"I'm going to work." I called, leaving the house and jumping in my car. I drove to a small clothing store in town. I was really lucky to find a job so quickly after we had moved. Luck was on my side, I guess.
"Hey Lily."

"Hi." I said to one of my co-workers, Jacen I think? Yup his name tag said Jacen.

"I didn't know you were working today."

"Yeah, I am." I said, pinning my name tag to my t-shirt. "You need me to work the register?"

He nodded. "I'm going to start unpacking some things from the back. Thanks Lily."

"No problem." I replied, going behind the register.

I started to check a woman that had been waiting in line out.

"Your total will be $15.00." I told her, putting her items into a bag. "Would you like the receipt in the bag?" She nodded. I put the money in the register, putting the receipt in the bag. "Thank you and come again."

I tapped my thumbs on the counter as the next person walked up the register.

Laughter made me look up from my scanning the contents in front of me. Luke and Victor walked in the store laughing with each other. Victor looked over, our eyes locking. He looked away quickly, then back at me, then to Luke who was still laughing about whatever they were saying before entering the store.

I looked down at the clothing I had been scanning and continued.

"Ohh, who's that?" Jacen asked, coming out from the back with some stuff he was going to put out on the floor. "He's cute, why does he keep looking over here?"

I laughed, putting the guy-I was ringing up-'s stuff in a bag. "He goes to my school and he isn't staring." I looked at my costumer. "Your total will be $10.10. Would you like the receipt in the bag?"

"Yes please."

I put his receipt in the bag, handing out the bag to him. "Thank you have a nice day."

"You too." He told me before walking away.

"He totally is staring." Jacen said, nudging me with his elbow.

I looked over to see Luke looking through some jeans and Victor looking through some shirts but looking up over at us ever couple of seconds. I felt my face start to heat up, avoiding looking in his direction as I looked back at my next costumer.

"Aw. Look at Lily blushing." Jacen teased.

"I'm not blushing. And dont you have some stuff to go put out on the floor?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah." Jacen walked out onto the floor, shooting me a knowing smile.

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