Love Again

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Lily's pov

Omg I can't believe he said he wanted to go on a date with me. This just made my day I'm so happy and it was liz who took it into her hands. Does he love me? Or did liz threaten him?

What ever I have a date coming up and I can't wait I have to get through the night and I have my date tomorrow night so excited.

Christopher's pov

Oh my gosh I can't believe I got through that and I was so nervous because I didn't know where we are going to either. I ran into my house and screamed "Mom! Mom!"

"Yes child?" My mother said

"What is your suggestion on a place to take a date to?"

"Oh I don't know maybe an Italian restaurant. WAIT WHAT you have a date? I'm so proud of you." My astonishing mother said and she ran to me and hugged me

"So I can barrow your car tomorrow night?"

"Yes you can kiddo." Mother said smiling

"Thanks mom."

I ran to my room jumped into my bed and off to sleep i went...........

The next day was basically me anxiously waiting until it was time for our date.

I drove my mother's car to Lily's house, nervous about how our date would go.

I got out of the car, making my way up to her door. I took a minute to compose myself before reaching out and ringing the doorbell.

A few seconds went by before Lily opened the door.

"Wow." I whispered in astonishment.

She smiled, looking down to try and hide her blush. "Um, should we go?" Lily asked with a giggle after a few silent moments of my taking in her appearance. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Oh, yeah!" I held out my hand. She placed her hand in mine and I walked her over to my mom's car. I opened her door for her and once she was inside the car i closed it for her.

I rushed around to the drivers side and got into the car. I put my seatbelt on and turned to look at her. "So i was thinking maybe i'd take you to an Italian restaurant. Is that okay with you?"

Lily nodded vigorously. "Oh my god, yes, I love Italian!"

I smiled happily. Thank you mother!

We got to the resterant and I had made a reservation but didn't tell anyone so I walked in and said reservation for Magellan. Christopher magellan I said and the lady said "ok. Right this way sir."
We followed the lady and sat down at this fine resterant.

"I will have three-cheese caramelle." Lily said

"I will have the same." I said.

We ate and talked for a bit. Then I paided and walked out to the car and opened the door and she got in and I went around to the drivers side and got in.

I started driving toward her house and she asked "Can I come over tonight? I don't want to sit home by my self because my family is out in Florida."

"Yeah absolutely."

So we went toward my house and wen we got there their was a Honda civic in my driveway and I walked in with lily and screamed "MOM!"

"What child." She said.

"Who's Honda civic."

She said "it's yours."

"Oh my god yay." I screamed

"Oh I thought that car was yours." Lily asked

"N.o it is my moms. But mom what year is the Honda?"

"It's an 04."

I'm so excited I just got at car.

Lily and I went up stairs and cuddled and I didn't see anything but darkness and I felt something run down my leg.................


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