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I bit my nail nervously, tapping my foot just as nervously. Get yourself together, Lily!

"Lily, are you alright honey?" Mom asked.

I jumped, her scaring me, before smiling and nodding. "Yeah, I'm fine mom. I have to go, I'm going to be late for school."

"Okay... have fun and be safe."

When I got to school Victor walked over and was like, "Hey baby."

I was so shocked that he said that already and we weren't even dating yet! I wasn't even sure I wanted to date him! Yet here he was called me his 'baby'.

"Excuse me mister, but I'm not your babe. So back off and just give it some time."

"Give what some time? You kissed me!"

"Yeah I did, but it obviously was a big mistake 'cause I regret it. Now goodbye, I have class."

And I walked away and he and I didn't talk for a couple days.

When I realized that it was our first fight I felt so bad.
He showed up at my work and he was depressed.

"What's wrong Victor?" I asked awkwardly, feeling completely awful. I was the one that had made him said but I still didn't know what I wanted.

"Nothing wish I could call you mine."

I bit my lip. "I just need to think about some things, I dont want to rush into anything before im ready for a relationship. You understand, dont you?" I tried to explain.

Jacen shot me a look from across the store. Iregret the way I made Victor feel. I never ment to lead him on. I suppose we had just got swept up in the moment.

"Yeah," he said glumly, his voice very mono-tone, pushing the articles of clothing he was buying onto the counter.

I checked him out. He started leaving the store. I sighed. "Bye Victor." I said quietly after him.

He waved, not even looking at me, before exiting the store.

I sighed, putting my hands on the counter and letting my head hang with a sigh.

"Oh honey, are you guys still in a bad place?" Jacen questioned, coming over to me. I nodded. "You guys will work it out. I'm positive of it, Little Lily."

I smiled, hugging Jacen. "Thanks Jacen."

But deep down inside the guilt was eating away at me, consuming me whole. Way to go Lily, way to go. Ugh.

The next day in school I felt so bad I'm thinking to my self should I kiss him or should I not, I don't know. Over and over and over and over again.

"Victor, we need to talk asap come here in privare."

"What do you want I'm kinda busy?"

"Ugh if you want your surprise you will show up at my house at 10 tonight. Here's my address."

Mean while the day went on fine. I went to work. Then went home and finished my homework. I got dressed and was waiting. Ugh always late.


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