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Theo was leaning quite casually against the wall of his new lair while Tracy, Josh, Corey and Hayden were all tensely giving the place a look around. They were underground, in a room within the irrigation tunnels. The floor was a little damp from drips leaking from the overhead pipes and had dim lighting. Theo had just announced that this was were they were staying.

"You can't be serious," Josh said after he stepped in a small puddle off to the side. "You want us to stay here?"

"No, but we don't exactly have a lot of options. Sheriff Stilinski went and locked down my old place and is looking for my "parents"," he said gruffly.

After he had finished his meeting with Malia, he had tried to go back to his house but there was a pair of deputy squad cars waiting right in front of it. From what Hayden just told him, Stilinski was being released from the hospital tonight and her sister was meeting him there, which was why she could come here right now without her sister finding out. With his cover blown he had already seen to having those two loose ends...dealt with before he dumped the Sheriff off that night.

His place probably wasn't safe regardless, with Satomi and her betas hunting him and would no doubt be watching his place. Their ambush at the high school was completely unexpected. He didn't have to wonder why it happened and could only guess that someone must've told Satomi and her pack of his part in Wilson Grant's death. No doubt that Stiles was the one that told them.

He continued. "And Tracy is still wanted for murder. You...well, you kind of lost your place when you were declared dead. Here, at least we'll be safe from Scott, Stiles or those other wolves from the school finding us."

"Yeah, what happened back there?" Corey jumped in. "You never said anything about another pack out there."

"Because you didn't need to know. Honestly, I didn't think that they would get involved in any of this."

"Why were they there?" asked Tracy. "Why are they after us?"

"They're not after us." That wasn't Theo answering her, but Hayden. "They were after him." Theo narrowed his eyes at her. "I overheard them talking to Liam and Mason after you all got away. They want him and because we helped him get away, they want all of us now too."

"Did you hear them say why?" Corey asked.

Hayden cast a look over at Theo, who was eyeing her quite intensely and she found herself shaking her head. "Oh, no. They didn't say anything about that but they made it clear that anyone who gets in between them and Theo, well-"

She didn't need to finish. They all got the picture perfectly.

"Oh, that's just great." Josh was starting to freak. "That's just what we need, over a dozen werewolves now out for our heads because we stuck our neck out for you." He had already pissed off two werewolves that had taken him down. Now, there was a whole pack of them after him. Especially after they had all died once and come back from the dead. He was not eager to go back.

"Watch yourself Josh," Theo said, stepping over to him. "Or I'll give you a real problem." That made Josh bow his head and back down a bit. Satisfied, Theo turned his attention to Hayden. "Are we going to have a problem?"

Hayden was silent staring back at him for a moment before she shook her head. "No."

He nodded appreciatively. "Good. Tracy? Corey?" Theo turned his focus over to them. Both of them shook their head. "Alright then. Now Corey, did you learn anything from Mason?"

Corey didn't say anything immediately. He was nervous about doing something that would pull Mason in any further but Theo said his name again, sharper and harder than before to show his impatience.

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