Scars Run Deep

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Scott pulled his bike into the parking lot at the school and yanked off his helmet as he took in everything. There weren't too many other cars or people around yet as classes didn't start for over an hour. Scott wanted to head in and do some serious last minute cramming before his Biology test. He and Kira wanted to get together last night to study but lost in the moment. While he didn't regret it, he couldn't help the grin that seemed stuck on his face since he woke up that morning, he knew that he was in a bit of trouble. That's why he decided to skip breakfast and get here early. He hoped that being here at school would help his mind be better focused to prepare for that exam.

Scott headed off to the school quad to find a nice quiet place to sit and study. So far, there were just a bit over a handful of people there. But Scott's eyes narrowed as he was surprised at the sight of Theo, sitting alone at one of the tables, his face hovering over an open text book.

"Theo?" he called out as he headed for him.

Theo rose his head up and gave him a small smile. "Hey Scott."

"What are you doing here?" he asked as he moved to sit down in front of him.

He lifted his biology book with a small smile. "Just some last minute cramming. To make sure I'm ready for the test."

As he put the book back down, Scott saw that the pages of Theo's book had some writing here and there, like footnotes.

"How do you think you'll do?"

Theo shrugged. "I'm pretty confident. Science and I have always had a pretty close relationship," he said, giving a chuckle at his own private joke.

"Yeah, well I wish I could say the same but I don't think science has ever liked me very much," Scott said a little amusingly.

"Oh, well would you like some help?" Theo offered.

Scott smiled. "I would," he said gratefully. He then pulled out his own textbook and Theo's eyes widened a bit at all the highlighted passages and sticky notes inside the pages of the book. "Hey," he said as he began to turn to the right page. "About last night, at the bridge,"

Theo quickly held up a hand to stop him. "Scott, it's alright. I get it. Stiles, he was just trying to look out for everybody."

"I know, it's just...sometimes Stiles can go and get a little carried away," Scott trailed off.

But Theo smiled. "Well, better carried away than not caring at all, right?"

Scott stared off for a bit before he blinked and shook his head. "Right. Well, let's get started. Biology is our first class so we don't have a lot of time left."

"Yeah, right," Theo said with a nod.

Scott looked down to skim one of his book's pages so he didn't see Theo's face harden a bit, a ghost of a smirk appearing, before he looked down at his notes. The two of them went to work exchanging notes and then lightly quizzing each other until it was time for them to get to class.


Kira was at her locker, smiling widely as she moved to get her books ready for her morning classes. Right before she finished, Lydia had calmly walked up to her.

"Hey Kira, you ready for the Biology test?" she asked her.

"Yeah," she nodded. "I think so. I hope so. I'm good."

Lydia narrowed her eyes at her. "What's going on? You seem pretty happy this morning."

"Well, it's a good morning. Clear skies, bright sun, nice gentle breeze," she said as she kept her gaze at her locker.

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