Chapter 3

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When I woke up it was only 4:30 AM, I would of gone back to sleep when suddenly I heard the door creak and some footsteps near by. I quickly got up and checked Hannah's room, she was still sleeping, then who else was in the house. Suddenly I heard a yelp come from the living room and I ran out to see what was going on. A person got into the house and was kidnapping Cloe! I started barking and the man kicked me over then tried to grab me to put me in a big black bag where Cloe was squirming and whining. As the man leaned towards me I unleashed my instincts and attacked, I bit the guy hard in the right arm the ran for his legs, tripping him, he winced in pain but made no sound. I started pulling his shoes and scratching them when I heard movement in the bedroom. The man must of heard it to because he kicked me away hard and stood up. He threw me in the bag, and made a run for the door. I started barking as deep and loud as I could and I heard Hannah screaming in shock and started crying as I heard her say the words into her phone 

"Help! police! My dogs Cloe and Jake have been stolen. The next thing I know we were thrown into the back of a truck and it drove away from our home. Cloe was crying and I was whining in pain, I tried not to that way I wouldn't scare Cloe, but I was failing. All we could do now was comfort each other and pray that someone will find us.

When the vehicle stopped the bag was picked up, then I heard a door open, I shushed Cloe who was whimpering next to me. The bag was put on a hard, cold platform. Voices got closer and a TV turned on. Suddenly a bright like blinded us as we were picked up out of the bag and thrown into a wooden cage. Then I heard shouting come from a man and I was pulled into a metal cage. Cloe and I remained silent and I suddenly heard our names on TV. 

"Jake the border collie, four years old, has gone missing! You might of seen him winning dog shows, doing commercials, and being side characters in TV shows. He was dognapped along with his eight month old little sister Cloe! Cloe has just recently started going to work with Jake and started training to be in commercials. There owner Hannah was able to tell us about the dognapping: 'It was 4:30 AM and I suddenly heard a series of loud barks and whines. When I got up there was blood on the floor and a man in dark clothes with a big black bad was running out the door, as I called the police I got the vehicle's identity. It was a grey truck with the plate that said: 142 HYL.' 'Thank you Hannah, also there has lately been a report of seven other dogs gone missing. five where dog show champions and two where regular dogs. This news station wants to tell everyone to lock your dog doors and house doors, cover your windows and block places at night. Thank you for listening, have a nice day."

After that a man walked over to my cage and shook it like crazy and was yelling "stupid dog" at me, all of it was giving me a headache and I was getting hurt badly every time I was shaken into the wall. The man didn't hurt Cloe though, luckily. I slowly glanced around the room, there were the seven other dogs! Suddenly our cages were picked up and set down next to the other dogs. There was a Poodle, Labrador, Golden Retriever, Great Dane, German Shepherd, Doberman, and a Bernese mountain dog. All of us where big dogs and beautiful dogs. Just then a lady walked in and started releasing us one by one and lead the others to a room while another lady put a leash on me and picked up Cloe and took us to the room. Inside was an training center and a dog spa. The ladies started cleaning each dog one by one and then they put us in little starting cages. Then one lady released one dog and he started going through the equipment. She again released us one by one and I showed Cloe what to do, after a while she got the hang of it. I couldn't tell what time it was, but I guessed it was lunch when they started feeding us. The food was really good, then I figured out what was going on, I had to explain to Cloe that they were taking care of us because they wanted us to feel like they are our loving owners and then they will use us to earn money at dog shows. Right when I finished talking some men came in and caged us all up and loaded all of us in a big van. Then it drove off.

The van stopped at a building where ten people where looking at us to decide witch dog they wanted to use in a dog show, I figured that out. A lady picked me and another picked little sister. When they where done picking the vehicle took us to the dog show place where they said this about me: This is my Border Collie named Kale and he is six years old. He is 98% Border Collie and 2% German Shepherd, but you can't tell he is. Then everyone else told the sign up people false info about each of us then we were taken to a preparing area where they made us look good, healthy, and well fed. Then the show started. Cloe amazed me by doing everything the lady told her to do, all of us did that too. At the end we heard our places. In first place is Kale the Border Collie! In second place is Harvey the Labrador! And last but not least third place goes to... Shaylee the Border Collie puppy!

I was given a blue ribbon and my lady earned 1,500 dollars. The second placer got his ribbon and his man got 1,000 dollars. Cloe got a red ribbon and her lady got 500 dollars. After that we were all sent back to the first place, that I learned was an old, abandoned building. When we got back we all were put in cages with dog beds and water with a bit of food. Then the people started looking for the next show.

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