Chapter 19

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"My back story is..." Scout started out with. "I lived in the lobby of a dog adoption place till one day I was stolen. Thats all."

"My turn!" Cocoa yapped. "I lived with my friend Harvey on the roads. We survived by eating trash and whatever prey we found. We lived in trash! Harvey and I have been together forever! We were stolen together!"

"Yep. That's our story." Harvey Agreed.

"I grew up in an adoption center, many of them. Every six months I was shipped to a new adoption place. I was on my way to one when I was stolen and brought to the dognapping place." Brutis growled.

"I grew up in the dognapping place, I was stolen at three months old and brought there." Shaylee barked.

"I was adopt by Hannah at four months old, I was born in an elderly lady's house. A few years later Hannah brought home four month old Cloe and told me she was my little sister." I barked.

"Yep, that seems right." Cloe replied. I laughed at that response and so did the other dogs.

"We were born in a forest then brought here!" Sam howled.

"Yeseedo!" Shep yapped.

"Yes yes yes that's right!" Sawyer said in a funny tone. We all laughed at it.

"Who wants to go on a walk!?" Hannah called to us. 

"Me!" We all chorused. The ten of us stormed to the door. Hannah almost fell over as I nearly ran into her. Hannah quickly put leashes on Sam, Shep, and Sawyer and ordered the rest of us to follow her. We walked over to the nearby dog park. Hannah unleashed the three puppies and they took off running and playing in the field. Cloe took of after them, running like the wind. I ran over to Scout and hit him with a paw then ran to a nearby tree. Scout Immediately caught on and we started playing tag. Harvey and Cocoa joined in too. Shaylee caught up after a moment and eventually Brutis decided to Join in too. 

"Time to go home!" Hannah called to us after an hour. "Nooo!" Sam howled a took off running through the field. Hannah started chasing after him, which meant it would be a while before we got home.

 "A wild goose chase has started." Scout joked. 

"Lets go get him." I barked back. We took of running towards Hannah and Sam. We ran as fast as we could, we were able to quickly catch up with Hannah, but Sam was well ahead of her. I pressed on even faster and Scout joined me quickly. 

"I see him!" I hollered to Scout. I ran harder and when I was just close enough to jump at him, I did. I launched forward with all the power I could and hit right next to Sam hard, he was two small to actually jump on. I slid in front of him and he ran into me hard. Scout caught up to us quickly, panting hard.

"Zack!" Hannah complained. She quickly leashed him up and the four of us walked back to the other dogs together, all of us panting hard. When we reached home we all dived for the water bowls then after a quick snack most of us headed to our beds for naps, all of us but Cloe, Sam, Sawyer, and Shep.


"You'll have to catch me first!" Sam howled as Hannah tried to leash him up yo take the four puppies on a walk.

"Come on Zack! If you run around like this then I won't take you to the park!" Hannah called as Sam ran from room to room. Sam came running back to Hannah and barked at her. 

"Lets go already!" Shep wined.

"Ya!" Sawyer growled.

Hannah put leashes on the three boys and instructed Cloe to follow her. They walked outside and out of my view.

"I hope they will be okay without one of us." Shaylee mumbled.

"I bet they will." Scout replied.


Cloe's P.O.V

           Hannah lead the four of us along the sidewalk. 

"There it is." Hannah told us as the dog park came into view. Sam started struggling and trying to break from his leash. 

"Calm down, Zack!" Hannah complained. Shep sighed and Sawyer growled at Sam in a serious tone. We entered the park and Hannah released us. Sam took off running like usual and Sawyer took off after him. I jumped at Shep and we started rustling. 

"Hey, Cloe, you don't have to wear a leash on the way home, I trust you to follow me and obey." Hannah called over to me after a while. The four of us pups were playing tag. I raced over to Sawyer, who was standing by a tree panting. I jumped at him and rolled him over.

"Your it!" I howled as I ran off.

"Nooooo!" Sawyer whined. I jumped into a bush a smacked into Shep.

"Hey! This is my spot!" Shep barked. 

"Shush!" I growled. I darted out of the bush as a paw tagged Shep. I noticed Sam in the distance chasing his tail. When he wasn't looking I jumped at him and Sam barked in freight.

"Hey!" The younger, smaller puppy whined/growled. I raced away to see Shep jumping out of a bush to tag me. I avoided his paws and his golden-brown pelt fell right into a pile of mud. He looked more like a golden patched, brown dog now. He growled as the other three of us ran towards Hannah, she was calling our names.

"Oh Lucas." She complained when she saw how muddy he was. "When we get home you get to take a bath." She laughed. Hannah leashed up the brothers and lead the four of us home. When we reached the house Shaylee gave Shep one look then whined, "Shep."

Hannah told me to follow her as she unleashed the three boys in the bathroom.

"Sit!" She ordered me. I sat down and watched as she filled the bathtub with water. Sam looked at it the started scratching at the door.

"Its not bad, you'll like it actually, its kind of fun." I yapped at the other dogs. 

"I'll be glad to get this mud off me." Shep grumbled.

"I can't wait to see what water feels like to be in it. Maybe we can learn to swim!" Sawyer bounced around the room. The sound of running water stopped and I looked at Hannah to see she was done getting the bath ready. She picked up Shep and gently put him in. Shep was tense for a moment, then he settled down as Hannah started washing him. 

When Hannah finished washing all the boys, she washed me too. We ate dinner, which was cans of wet-canned-dog food. The adults had chicken, no fare! 

"I will be an adult in four months! Then I can eat chicken too!" I proclaimed.

"Don't remind me, you grew up to fast." Jake growled.

"My pups will be adults before we know it!" Shaylee whined. 

Night came and all of us went to sleep and morning came and we were all ready to start another day.

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