Chapter 17

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Two more days of walking passed. Everyone was getting restless about reaching Hannah's place. I was expecting to reach her house today or tomorrow.

 "New names soon!" Shep hollered.

"I'm going to play with Hannah, that's the first thing I'm gonna do." Sawyer howled. 

"Me too!" His brothers chorused.

"I'm going to jump into her arms!" I barked.

"I want to bark 'Hi' frantically at her feet!" Cloe yapped.

"I'm going to make sure Hannah knows that she is boss by keeping my head low to submit to her." Harvey barked.

"I hope she feeds us." Shaylee growled.

"I hope she excepts us." Brutis growled back. 

"I don't know what I'll do." Cocoa whined.

"Me either, I'll just stay next to Shaylee." Scout barked.

The group continued talking about what to do and about Hannah as we walked.

"Look!" Cloe howled suddenly.

"Training and Caring!" I barked in joy. "We're almost home! I know the way from here!" The dogs celebrated for a few minutes before me and Scout got them all walking again. We bounded across the road and raced along the side of it. I lead my pack and we ran till we could run no more. "Only about half an hour away!" I barked. I was panting to hard to go on though and the sun was starting to set. "Lets rest for a moment." I called to the other dogs. We settled down for a moment then when it looked like everyone had caught there breath I stood up as a signal that it was time to go. A sudden frenzy of barking interrupted me though. 

A pit bull suddenly launched itself at me from nowhere. It rolled me over and aimed at my neck but I was to quick for him. I used my back feet and flipped the other dog over my head. I jumped up and bit its scruff. The dog struggled to break free but I held on tight. I lifted the dog up a little then through it down hard, letting go of his scruff. He whined then aimed a blow at my front paws to make me fall over. I jumped to the side then bit hard into one of the other dog's back legs. The pit bull ran off whining in pain after I quickly released him.

"I wonder what that was about?" I said as I approached Scout.

"Me too." He replied.

"Lets get going."


We started walking on the side of the road again after a quick drink from a puddle. This time we were walking though. The sun had set and I started trotting. The group quickly started trotting too. We were all silent in thought for a while. After a while we came across a series of neighborhoods.

"Which way?"  Cloe asked me by cocking her head.

"I think it's this one." I barked in reply. I turned a corner and started running down the street, I took a left quickly and the whole pack did there best to keep up to pace with me. I continued running as fast as I could and slid to a stop at a wonderful sight. We were home!

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