Meet & Greet

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6:56 Am
Elijah, was already in the parking lot of her job, sitting inside her car gathering her things. Looking at the time on her phone, she got out looked both ways, she saw who she assumed was just any other co-worker walking towards the building door also.

Eli watched him for a bit, till' someone in their car honked its horn Eli jumped, and flicked them off and started walking once more. She opened the door, and checked to see if anyone else was coming. No one. Eli walked into the building and headed straight to the elevator.

She heard "Good morning", as she passed by, but and didn't bother to say it back. It was too early to speak in her opinion, so instead, she gave them a small nod and a wave, and kept going about her way.

Which would've been nice, if the receptionist never called her.

"Ms. James!" "There you are, please wait a minute." The older woman said as she hurried out her desk seat.
Eli rolled her eyes and let out an annoyed sigh, and spun back around on her heels pulling the fakest smile, she could.(Which she was very good at.)

"Yes, Mrs. Greenlead. What do you need?" Eli spoke in a somewhat "cheery" tone.
"Mr. Lee told me, to tell you that you didn't need to come in today." Greenlead, spoke quite nervously and smiled. Eli wanted to smack it off her. Mr. Flynn is her boss, and he could've called or texted Eli himself and told her.
"Look, Mrs. Greendlead-" Eli began "Martha" Greenlead interrupted "I'm sorry? What?" Eli asked. "Call me Martha. Please." Martha said as she nodded.

Eli let a small chuckle but came out more as a scoff than anything else, if ya ask me.
"Okay, Martha, Flynn would've told me personally if I didn't need to come in, and I know my work schedule." Eli spoke, fingertips pressed against each other, and a slight ick to her voice. "And even if I didn't need to come in today. I still need some files, and my iPad for the day after. I always leave them in or on my desk, when I have to work the next day." Eli told Martha.

"So Martha, I have a question for you. And as someone above you, no offense, of course." Eli stepped closer and closer to Martha, Eli kissed her teeth, and said, "What are you not telling me? What are you hiding for me?"
Martha looked around nervously, took Eli's wrist, dragged her into the bathroom, "They didn't want to tell you because of what you might say to them afterwards." Martha blurted out.

"Tell me what, Martha?" Eli started clicking her nails on the bathroom sink looking at Martha, through the mirror. She was tired of her job as it is, with them constantly keeping things from her, and having to get up at 6:25 in the morning. Not even 6:30 but 6:25 that's low.
"Mr. Flynn." Martha began, head hanging low, hands put together. "He died last night." Eli froze, yet continued to look at Martha through the mirror.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you correctly speak up." Eli spoke.
"He died last night. Mr. Flynn." Martha repeated, and looked up at Eli. "How." Eli spoke quite quickly, and started to bite her thumbnail. "I-I don't know, they said it was a heart attack." Martha shrugged her shoulders.
"Then who is the head now?" Eli made eye contact with Martha.

"His son, of course." Martha didn't hide the happiness in her voice.
"Son? He had a son? A daughter or two I knew of, but a son?" Eli thought to herself.
"Thank you, Mrs. Greenlead, please go back to your desk now." Eli spoke, still maintaining eye contact.

Martha nodded and sped out of the bathroom. Eli looked back into the mirror, she knew she wanted to cry. But she couldn't, she couldn't cry (even if she tried.) Still taking deep breath's, she gathered her self, fixing her hair, glasses, and skirt. Walking out into the elevator, pressing floor six.

Eli checked the time, 7:29 Am. She should've been at her desk by 7:12 Am.
She didn't care, as much. But there was something about her bosses' death that didn't sit right with her. Because just the night before, literally right before she left, she hugged him and bid him goodbye. He was completely fine. Right? She nodded and exhaled, the elevator door dinged and opened. She stepped out, heels clicking against the floor.

Using her key card, she opened the door to her office, and thankfully nothing changed. And there wasn't some pink, blond, or red head chick in her seat. She grabbed her iPad and walked over to her new bosses office door. She knocked. Three times to be exact, and nothing. She knocked again. Nothing.

Eli opened the door just a bit, "Sir? Are you alright?" Eli spoke. Eli opened the door completely and no one was even in the office, Eli rolled her eyes, and went to her desk and took out some files, some personal, and some work related. Just as she was about to start typing on her computer.

The elevator dinged, and someone opened the door.
Standing up, Eli began, "Good morning si-." Looking up, to see this son of her, old boss, she was in disbelief. It was the man from the parking lot.


This chapter December 20th 2021, just at different times okay🌚👌🏽

12:37 AM, 1/14/22 Just a bit of editing. And I changed his name from,

Malcolm, Miller Lee-Flynn, I used that because I wanted him to have both of his parents last names. But I changed that to, Malcolm Lee Flynn, so now "Lee" is now a middle name.

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