You Believe Me, Right.

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Elijah sat down in the driver's seat, locked her doors, and looked around. She saw a car pull up into a parking spot in front of the building, Markus stepped out, and Elijah took a picture of him before driving off.

Elijah sent him the picture of himself.
Markus: Creep🤨
Stopping at a red light, tapping her fingers on the steering, wheel, her phone dinged.

"You believe me, right." -Unknown.

"What the f-" a car from behind her honked, but before Elijah flipped them off. She looked up to see the bright green traffic light, quickly speeding off as her left middle finger stuck out the window. 

Once she was far enough down the road, Elijah brought her hand back into her vehicle. Every now and then Eli would glance up into the rearview mirror. She couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching her, and them being unknowingly sitting in her backseat. 

She took three deep breaths, -in and out just slightly calming her paranoia. 

Elijah took to tapping on the steering wheel instead. Whether it was the sound of her fingertips hitting the wheel, or even the smoothness of the nice and cool leather. But it seemed to calm her down as enjoyed the feel and listened more to the taps. 


Now turning down her street, Elijah was back down to zero. But, as she got closer to her home, she saw Mrs. Martin talking to some man who was wearing all black.

"Who..." Elijah whispered, pulling into her driveway, the person looked back and started to walk to their car while looking down at the ground.

Elijah quickly got out-slamming the door shut, and clicking the button locking the car door.
She threw her hands up, looking so irritated. 

She pointed at the car that the mysterious person had taken off in. Elijah didn't even get the chance to let Mrs. Martin speak before she started off.

 "Who the f-" Mrs. Martin stepped down from the porch, bringing her hands to hold Eli's arms, "Eli, wait a minute, let me quickly explain."

Elijah scoffed, and moved, to open the front door.
Rolling her eyes, and taking off her shoes,  Elijah spoke; much irritated, "Oh, please do. Please, do explain, why a suspicious man, was talking to you, in front of my house!"

"I-" Mrs. Martin was cut off when Elijah raised a single finger, indicating she was not done speaking.

"Who then proceeded to quickly walk off to his car, right as I, the owner of this house,- pulls in." Elijah folded her arms, and looked back at Mrs. Martin, giving her a tight lip 'smile'.

"So, please do explain. Because I'm about to lose it if I think that was who I think it is."

Martin sighed, and went to lock the front door, she sat on the couch.
"Elijah, she needs better help." Elijah, once again, threw her hands up and scoffed.
Kissing her teeth, Eli spoke up, "You know, you could've told me about this."

"I did Eli! Many, many times! And you-" Elijah's eyebrows frowned, and slowly walked towards Martin. "No you didn't, you told me I should get her better help, you told me I should talk to someone, you told me to find someone." Elijah pointed to the window,

"You never  told me about this." "So, stop with the bull, and just tell me who the hell was that man."

Elijah stood near Martin.

"He was a 'minder.'" Martin's head was down, her brown hair covered her face, and her hands wrung one another.

Elijah sat down at the very end of the couch
"And that is..."

"Is just another word for a caregiver." Martin slowly looked up at Eli.
"You're messing with me." "Right." "Right, Elisa."


Elijah sighed, and rubbed a finger between her eyebrows, "You know what, just leave. I'll call you tomorrow, but right now you need to leave."

Elisa got her purse and put on her shoes. Before opening the door, Elisa spoke one last thing.

"He said he'll come over tomorrow and check things out." And she shut the door.
Elijah was so disappointed and enraged, but as much as she wanted to let out a banshee scream.

She had work to do, so breathing in and out, she grabbed her phone and went to her room sitting at her desk, she looked around her room while tapping her fingers.

'Think Eli, think...'
Getting up, she went up to her bookcase, taking one book, she threw it on her bed. Walking to the hallway closet, she grabbed the clear storage container filled with family photos and other pictures, Eli placed it on her bed next to the book.

Grabbing one of the photo albums, the smaller one was a Jean colored blue,
and it had some faded white lines on it.

Elijah opened it up, and the first picture she saw was her holding Lavelle for the first time.

She caressed the photo, missing her baby brother. 

Blinking away the forming tears, Elijah started to flip through it once more.

Her heart dropped.
She thought so and she was always.


June 19th 22

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