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Elijah, threw the book down, got up from her bed and opened up her desk drawer.

Taking a small notebook and pen, she wrote down the number.


There was a knock at her bedroom door, Eli looked up and saw her mom, standing there.

"What's wrong."  Elijah, put down the book and pen. "You're not supposed to be up, let's go back to bed, ma."

Her eyes, looked lost, her face was frowning, and she backed away from Eli.

She shook her head, "Where's my baby..."

Elijah, was confused, "What?" "Mom, what baby?"

"Did you take him?"  the lady, spoke quietly "You took my baby from me didn't you!" Elijah knew  exactly who she was talking about.
Her and Lavelle.

Those two had a relationship better then she did with her brother or mother. Dolores, always wanted a son.

Though she could've easily went out and got with some other guy and had that guy's kid.
Hope and pray that it'll be a boy, but no.
It had to be his kid.
His son.


"No, mom, let's just go back to bed, okay." Elijah, stepped forward to her mother,  "We can go and get your baby tomorrow or-"

"NO!" "You took him from me, give him back!" She walked into the kitchen, and grabbed a knife.

Elijah stood straight, "Mom, calm down." "You want your baby, what does he look like"

"You-...y-you took him." "You took him from me, didn't you."

"No, I didn't." Elijah, came closer, "Stop, acting like this, you aren't a child."

Lady frowned, her hands we're shaking, she was about to jump at Elijah, "Fine, you win."

Both of Elijah's hands went up, surrendering.

Lady nodded, Elijah spoke softly, "Let's put the knife down."  Lady shook her head. "No." Elijah sighed, "No..."

Elijah walked back into the living room, the knife, shaky hands, and crazed lady followed her.


Elijah plopped down on the yellow two seater, "I don't have your baby, Dolores."


Dolores, Ahlai James/Nickname-Lady

F/M/L-First name/Middle name/Last name.



12:29Am-took a break-1:04AM-8/1/22

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