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Stepping into the room, Elijah was met with a short woman, maybe, 5'5-5'6. Curly grayed hair, she had these huge gold hoop, earrings, and her attire was something you'll wear to church. So appropriate for someone her age. But, still spoke, 'Rich'.

The older lady jumped at the noise, and even more so at the sight of Elijah. Elijah saw the woman's face, a few wrinkles on her forehead, very noticeable crowfeet stood out, whether she smiled or not. Eli could recognize someone with a respectable face, and most of the time. They, too, demanded that respect.

Malcolm, who also stood there towering the short, old lady- gave Elijah a confused look.

That's when she remembered the text he had sent, "Don't come in tomorrow."

Elijah mentally groaned, but she still stood straight, and tall. Her bag was pulled in front of her, and both her hands held her bag's handle tightly.

"EXCUSE ME!" The older lady screamed. Moreover, screeched-but Elijah also recognized that voice. 516-52-42! She was the lady on the phone, who couldn't comprehend the fact she couldn't get up here with some sort of badge.

Elijah thought her voice was way more annoying in person. But she was taught to respect your elders. No matter how annoying and dreadful they may be, or seem.

Was what her mother told her.
Well, something like that.

"And, whom might you be!" The older lady, spoke, Malcolm faced the sky, his hand covering his eyes and face, while the other on his hip, as he too, mentally groaned, at the current circumstances.

Elijah was surely shaking in her boots. But she placed her bag down, and walked towards the older lady. Elijah stuck out her left hand, and placed her right hand onto the bottom of her left (hand's) wrist.

"Elijah James, pleasure to meet you..." Eli, waited for the older lady to speak her name.

The older lady, made sure her head stood tall, "I am, Madam Lee." Before Eli could get a word out, Madam, Lee spoke again. "And, it'll be Mrs. Lee, or Mrs. Madam Lee."

Again, Elijah opened her mouth, but Madam Lee spoke again. "Understand that. Elijah."

Is it weird when, Madam Lee, spoke Elijah's name she felt offended?

Madam Lee, didn't even shake Eli's hand, so she snatched it back, and closed her eyes, quickly mumbling an apology to her mother. For, she felt like, she was about to lose it.

But, Elijah just gave her a tight-lipped "smile" and simply nodded. Malcolm, was now biting his left thumb.

Madam Lee, turned her back to Elijah and focused on Malcolm. She swatted, her hand at his stomach and chest, her shawl going about in the air. "How many, times have I told you to stop that!" Malcolm tried hard not to roll his eyes, so he just shook his head, and sighed.

He rubbed his entire face, feeling the slight stubble on his chin, and then rolling his neck. He was getting irritated by Madam.

Elijah felt awkward, just standing there. So, with what Malcolm did next, she followed right behind him.

He dragged Madam Lee by the arm, and as he was about to reach his office doors, Madam Lee snatched her arm from him, tumbling back a little, Elijah stood behind her ready to catch her if she truly fell.

Madam Lee, shrugged Elijah's hovering hands off of her. "You've really lost your mind!" Madam spoke. "I am a lady!" "An older woman at that!"

As she let herself into the office doors, she went on about how he, Malcolm, should treat any older lady, around or her age, with respect.

And if he grabbed her like that again, she'll cut his fingers off, and enjoy seeing him, try to grip the rope, she'll have him hanging by.

Malcolm turned to Elijah, who was tapping her fingers against the long black skirt she wore. Elijah didn't say anything, simply avoided eye contact from Malcolm's intense, yet, disappointing stare.

Malcolm, sat down on one of the chairs, and let his head rest against the wall, eyes closed.

Breathing in deeply he spoke up, "How." Elijah looked his way, and Malcolm started to rethink his choice of words.

He started speaking up again, "I know, we don't know each other that well."

'Yeah, and I hope it stays that way' is what Elijah thought.

"Which means I don't know what type of stuff you have going on. Nor, what type of person you are." Elijah slowly nodded, not entirely sure where this was going. But, to be honest...It seemed like she was about to be fired.

And just the thought of being fired, Elijah, started to have a slight emotional melt down.

Malcolm stood up and walked over to Elijah, "But... I do know." Elijah, backed up a bit. "That this current situation." Malcolm pointed to Elijah, then to the office doors. "Was the one I was trying to avoid." Elijah had this grave feeling, and it sent chills through-out her entire body.

Something told Elijah to just grab her stuff and leave. But, she just couldn't help herself.

"So...sir. If you, don't mind me asking..." Malcolm was leaning on the office doors, rubbing his forehead, attempting to sooth his headache. He made a gruff sound, so Elijah took that an 'Yes, go on.' O'deal. "What's the new situation you're trying to avoid now..." Just as Malcolm's eyes shot opened.

The elevator dinged.

Madam Lee walked out head, and chin still stood up, shoulders high, and a smile on her face. This time, Malcolm didn't just mentally groaned.

He physically groaned.

"Mal look! She pointed to the TV camera above some plants in the corner. The gentlemen have arrived!" Madam Lee turned to Elijah, her smiling face turned sour, and she smacked her lips. "You're still here..."

Before Elijah could process the words that would out of her mouth, she had already said them. "I mean, I work here, so yeah."

She felt like an idiot.

Madam Lee furrowed her eyebrows, and her left eye twitched. But didn't say anything less then an order too, "Let them in."


6:48AM-8:54AM October 22nd 2022.

Elijah & Malcolm: No More SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now