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Chapter so long.

The man looked around a bit, when he saw Eli, he squinted his eyes. He has seen her before, where, though. Clearing her throat, Eli continued, "Good Morning Sir." She turned to her desk and grabbed her iPad, tapping here and there. Not bothering to beat around the bush, "I will need your information, please fill it out." Eli put out the iPad, both hands on it.

He took it and left it near his side, nodded again and continued to stare at Eli.
Eli was beginning to feel more uncomfortable than ever, so she took her hand out and placed her other hand on her wrist. (So like stick out your left hand and place your right on the bottom of your left wrist. Make sense? Anyways.)
"Elijah James, nice to meet you."

Malcolm took her hand and shook it. "Malcolm Flynn." Is all he said. Eli slightly nodded, slowly yet awkwardly pulled her hand away. "Um, so after you fill out your information, I can get started on your schedule a bit. And if there is anyone important, that you know and may, come down to the company." She took a breath, and looked dead at him.
That's when she realized he was the man indeed from the parking lot.

But not the one, walking, he was the one in the car. Who had honked at her. She hoped she was wrong, but then again Eli did turn to flick them off so of course she got some sort of glimpse.

Eli swallowed her spit. "Please, let me know. And write their number, and or name down, so I can just let them in." 

"Sure." Malcolm spoke, and walked into his fathers' office.

MALCOLMS P.O.V I'm not sure if imma write much in his P.O.V)
Looking around his fathers' office, now his office. He felt weird, the last time he was came in this room, he was like what? Sixteen, maybe younger so say...twelve.
Walking over towards the desk, he reaches out his left hand and grabs the name plate from his fathers' desk.

Brushing the name plate with his right thumb. Exhaling deeply, and placing then plate back on the desk. Walking behind the desk, and chair he stops and looks at the pictures, the ones on the left side of the wall, pictures of his grandmother, grandfather, both of his uncles and father. Four separate photos, and one with all of them together.
(I can tell you this, the uncles are twins. So they're in the same photo.)
Now, you see...
Malcolm hasn't seen his uncles in a long time. Six or eight years at most.
But, to his right his mother, and father in one photo. His older brother, holding Malcolm as a baby in another. And the last photo was Malcolm.

Just Malcolm.
Turning back around, and taking the iPad back into his hands, he sat down in the chair, and started filling out the information. The thought of his missing and, or possibly dead older brother right on the top of his, mind.

After, fifteen minutes or more, he was done filling out all of the information, adding notes of anyone's number he knows personally or anyone who, is considered important.
Getting up hearing his bones crack, Malcolm was definitely gonna change that chair, taking the iPad walking towards the door right as he was about to open it.

Malcolm heard someone talking, and an slight uneasy feeling came up, exhaling he opened the door, and saw Elijah on the phone, she was stressed and annoyed. Eli was holding herself up, with her elbow while rubbing her forehead. He slowly walked over towards one of the waiting chairs and watched the short episode, of the drama.

"Ma'am I've told you before, you- no, ma'am, listen you cannot, come up, without a pass or- okay yes, I get that but, not without some sort of pass." "No, I tried to tell you but you- keep interrupting me- I, no, ma'am, he's busy- I can't just".

"Jesus Christ." Okay ma'am, how about this, just tell me your name."
"I can tell him- no, you either need someone to open the door from inside, or- yes you need a pass or key card to open it- yes from the outside." "Yeah, okay one second." Eli opened up her desk drawer and grabbed a red notebook, and a pen from on-top of her desk.

"Okay, yes 516, 52- okay yeah, I'll have to check his schedule first. Hm, thank you have a good rest of the day" "Yep..bye ma'am." Exhaling deeply Eli hanging up the phone Eli put her face in her hands,(or her hands to her face whateva.)
Eli mumbled, "I should just quit." Exhaling once more, she took her hands from her face and let them rest on the arms of her chair, Eli never looked straight ahead. Keeping her head facing the ceiling eyes closed.

Malcolm, spoke up "How often does that happen, or did that happen."
Elijah, nearly fell out of seat, putting her hands up in a fighting type of style,
Catching her breath, and looking around before his direction. "How long, please be exact. How long have you been sitting there."

Malcolm didn't say anything that answered Eli's question.
He simply slid Eli's iPad on her desk and asked "Who was that on the phone."
Eli took the iPad and started scrolling through the info. Looking up then back down quickly, smacking her lips, she answered "Uh, this lady she said she knew you, and was in the lobby." Eli said while, making another file.

"Hmm, and." Malcolm was now, leaning on her desk, "I told her that I can't let her in, so I asked her to tell me her name, she got mad and said I didn't need to know that, just let her come up. Taking a break, Eli opened up the notes checking it for names, or numbers. "I told her, that I cannot do that without some sort of pass, or something, she told me to give you the phone." Scrolling through the notes one by one while, writing them down in her notebook.

"But knowing your were busy, I said no." Sighing, just the thought of that unnecessary argument gave Eli a headache, "She asked me to set up a date, or meeting. My apologies, I honestly forgot." "But I didn't have your schedule, as we both know, so I eventually got her to leave her number for me to tell you to check and possibly call back." Eli clicked her tongue, putting the iPad down, and flipping back one page,

"And what is her-." Malcolm began
Eli, began ripping the page and handing him the paper with the number on it, not bother to look up at him.
"I don't see her number, in the notes so, I assume I will not be needing to make that date." Eli spoke while tapping the screen, she looked up and Malcolm looked at the number, biting his thumbnail.
" will, set it for this Friday." Malcolm spoke. "Okay, what time." Eli started biting the inside of her cheek.
"Eight thirty." Malcolm said that quite unsure. Eli made 'hm' kind of sound "No, Eight thirty-two." "Okay...I'll call her back and let her know, later this afternoon." Eli said while, tapping the black screen.

Malcolm was about to speak again, his phone rang. Walking away, into his office to answer it.

Eli mumbled under her breath, "Eight thirty-two, what kind of time is that."
Grabbing her phone, it's was only 9:47Am "Wow." Is all Eli said, and opened up tik tok(So, like go follow me- it's at the end.)

After 16 minutes
Malcolm came back out the office and, told Eli to set one meeting for this Wednesday, at 7:31, and another for next week Monday, 12:32 pm. Fixed his tie, and walked out the room.
"Okay.." Eli put down her phone and picked up the iPad, making two more dates.
Malcolm came back in, and spoke "Label, the meeting 7:31, 'Oscar Pernet' and the 12:32 pm meeting, 'Fredrick'Adore.' And left.

"Is it lunch yet please God." Eli checked the time, '10:05 am' clicking her tongue and exhaling "Not even close." Eli went back to work.

The time is in the screenshot but that's not right I took it before I finished the chapter- ANYWAYS!
December 29th 3:41 Am

᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾᯾THE EEENDDDD The time is in the screenshot but that's not right I took it before I finished the chapter- ANYWAYS! December 29th 3:41 Am

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Elijah & Malcolm: No More SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now