Part 2 (:O)

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It's currently the next day and I'm waiting for my bus to come... It's been over an hour and the bus still hasn't come... I hate having this bad luck. Not only that there's a project that I'm supposed to have today. You are supposed to do it as a group with at least 2 people. But it doesn't matter anyway since most likely no one will want to be my partner. I sigh.

"Ugh!! When will the bus come I'm so gonna be late."

A few minutes later I see my bus but... WAIT DID IT JUST PASS ME!? I start sprinting to get my bus's attention and surprisingly it worked. 

"Huff Huff Haaaahh why did you just pass me!?" I tell my bus driver. All he did was look at me then tell me to sit down. Man, I hate this bus driver. As I start to walk in I see a familiar guy with long grey hair and red eyes. Is that razor! I start to walk up to him and ask him if I could sit next to him. 

"Sure. Razor do not mind."

"Thank you!"

I sit down next to him. We start to have a conversation while we wait to get to school. After a while, we finally arrive. When we all get off the bus I and Razor start walking to our 1st period...

"Hello class happy to see you back! Today is the day that all of you start the project that you guys have been waiting for. This project will be 75 percent of your grade so make sure to work on it in school and after school." Jean tells us.

"Ughh why after school miss!? Why can't we just do it at school!" Xiangling says.

"Well because this project is due in a week. This project would normally take about 3 weeks to complete. But since the grades are closing next Tuesday I highly doubt that anyone would finish with only having 1 hour for the rest of the week(It's currently Tuesday for them). But if you'd rather only to work on it only on school time I will not stop you." 

"I agree with the teacher. " Sucrose says.

"Fine..." Xiangling finally says after giving in.

"Also good news guys! In this project, you'll be able to choose your partner. And after you choose your partner please start with the project right away."

"HURAAYYYY!!" Almost all the students yell.

Woah this is new. She normally doesn't let us pick our partners since most of the time we get distracted. Might as well take advantage of the opportunity. I start to walk up to Razor's desk... Hopefully, he'll say yes.

"Hello, Razor!" I smile

"Hey, Bennett."

"I was here to ask you if you wanted to be my partner for this project." I smile again.

"Sure. But why me? Razor not very smart."

"Hey, don't say that about yourself! Of course, you're smart."

"Thanks, Bennett."

"Anyways let's start!"


"Oh, it's the bell.  We better start packing."

"Razor agree."

After school...

Me and razor are currently on the bus waiting to get home. Razor agreed to come to my house to work on the project. Oh Here's my stop!

"Come on Razor this is my stop." I grab Razor's hand without thought.

"warm," Razor mutters. But I just ignore it. Once I get off the bus I realize I was holding his hand and quickly moved it.

"Well this is my place do you like it?"I say. "Razor think it big," He says looking around. "well let's go in," I say nervously. To be completely honest I don't like my parents but hopefully, they aren't here right now- never mind there here. Well, hopefully, they don't do anything dumb.

"Hey, Mom. Hey Dad." I say. "Well look who's back- Oh and who might this be. I didn't think Bennett had any friends." My mom starts to laugh. "Let's just go to my room Razor," I tell him to follow me quick cuz I don't want to cause trouble. We go upstairs to my room.

"Why Bennett family mean?"Razor speaks." To be honest I'm not completely sure maybe it's cuz of my bad luck. But anyway let's just resume on doing this project."

3 hours laterrrrrrr 

"Oh, bennet me have to go. sorry." Razor tells me putting his head down. " Oh, it's fine razor you can come tomorrow then! Here I can help you pack up-" And at that moment I start to fall... heh I knew this would come anytime soon knowing my bad luck. 


"Here I can help you pack up-"

I see Bennett almost fall so I help Bennett. Have to be quick though-

No one pov:

Right as Bennet was about to fall Razor quickly grabbed him by the waist and pulled him close to his chest also grabbing his hand.

"Close one."

"Ah! Razor thank you that could have gone wrong." Bennett says blushing REALLY hard. He and Razor are both holding hands for a while until Bennett realizes and pulls away " Heh sorry for causing trouble" Bennett says scratching the back of his head." It's ok well, Razor has to go bye Bennett-" Bennett suddenly stops the boy from his tracts and grabs his arm. "Could we maybe exchange numbers before you leave?" Bennett says blushing and looking at the ground." Of course Razor no mind."  Razor says as he pulls out his phone.

Both of the boy's exchange numbers. Razor lives near where Bennett lives because he recognizes this area so he'll be fine. Razor starts to leave and waves goodbye to his new friend Bennett. As Razor starts to leave he realizes that he feels warm whenever he's around Bennett... What could it be...

AUTHORS NOTE:  Hello ladies and gentlemen and non-binaries <3 I hope all of you are having a good day. If you liked this chapter please vote it I would appreciate it. :D well have a good day/afternoon/night my beautiful people <//3 (I'm trying my best not to rush their relationship)

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