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OMFG MY VALENTINE SPECIAL IS A WHOLE MONTH LATE. Um so like sorry for making you guys wait :( Tbh I lost motivation again LMAO but the only reason why I lost motivation was because I was tired and needed a break. AND NOW THAT THERE IS SPRING BREAK I CAN FINALLY REST AND UPLOAD MORE!! OH- And also guys I am so grateful for all of the support y'all have given me and couldn't ask for more. In all honesty I thought this would barley get any views and votes. But you all proved me wrong. You all have given me motivation to keep writing and not discontinue the series. So without further ado let's begin.


"Home there." Razor says while pointing to his house. "Finally..." Bennett says relivied while walking up to the house. "Bennett need to remember to be sneaky though." Razor says as he unlocks the door. Before they go in Razor looks around to see if he sees his dad. "Cost clear." Razor says while bennett follows him. As they walk in Razor goes to his sisters room hoping that she wasnt there. After checking he was sure that she wasn't there. "No sister." Razor says. "No sister huh?" Crystal says while appearing out of nowhere. "AHH WHAT THE FU-" Bennett says until Razor covers his mouth. "Bennett shh! Bennett have to be careful. Razor don't want dad know that Bennett here." Razor says while whispering onto Bennett's ear. "Ah sorry." Bennett says while feeling embarrassed. "Anyways what are you doing here? And Razor you know he isn't allowed here." Crystal says while frowning a bit.

"Sorry sis. Razor just need a favor though." Razor says while getting closer to Bennett. "Huh... What is it..." Crystal says while getting suspicious. "Heh so um it's this. We need you to cover it up with make-up." Bennett says while sweating non stop. "..." Crystal says nothing. She just stares at them. After what felt like hours Crystal just tells them to follow her. "Bennett you sit down right there. You too Razor. And no kissing." Crystal says while going into her closet. "Aw man." Bennett says. "I heard that!" Crystal says shouting. "PFFT." Razor laughs. "Ugh I was to loud." Bennett says as he pats Razor's head. "Hey Razor do you have any plans for Valentines day?" Bennett asks. "Nope." Razor says as he smiles at Bennett. "Perfect. So do you want to go on a date with me? Like we could go in a picnic date or go to the Arcades or-"

"Restaurant!!" Razor says unexpectedly. "Never though of that. But I like the idea! I'm gonna pay tho-" Bennett then get's interrupted. "No Razor will. Razor rich Bennett poor." Razor says confidently. "W-WHAT!? Did you just call me poor!?" Bennett says. "Pfft- Obviously. Or can Benny not hear." Razor says as he mocks Bennett. "Oh you're gonna get it." Bennett says as he picks Razor up and throws him onto the bed next to them and starts tickling him while pinning his arms above his head (Oddly specific but yes). "I'm bac- OMG Y'ALL ARE ALWAYS UP TO SOMETHING." Crystal screams. "U-Um... Sorry..?" Bennett says as he gets off Razor. "Hahh.. I'm just gonna put my stuff in the desk over here." Crystal says as she walks up to the desk. 

Razor quickly pulls Bennett to give him a kiss. "c'mon benny." Razor says as he pulls away and grabs Bennett's arm. 

20 Minutes later

"Mhh I think this looks good enough." Crystal says as she looks more into it. "So they wont find out?" Bennett says worried. "No. Unless they remove it of course. But be carful. You don't want the make up to get removed."

"Yes I know. Anyways I think I should leave now. I don't want to miss dinner." Bennett says while checking the time. "Oh yeah of course goodbye." Crystal says as she quickly pushes both of the boys out of her room. Razor then quickly takes Bennett to the front door. "So Benny the date for Valentine. Will Razor and Benny go to restaurant?" Razor says. "Mh I thought about it and I think it's a good idea so yeah we will. When I get home I'll think about which place we'll go to." Bennett says not wanting to disappoint Razor. Razor smiles happily as he jumps onto Bennett giving him a big hug. "Mhh I love you." Bennett says as rubs his nose and Razor's nose. Then they both slowly close the gab between them. A slow and romantic kiss. 

So what if they judge us?  -|Bennett x Razor story| (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now