✿Part 8✿

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Both Bennett and Razor walk to the park holding hands minding their own business. That is until Bennett sees a certain someone. "Wait is that you Fishl!?" Bennett says as he removes his hand from Razor and walks up to Fishl Razor doing the same. "Yes! Me the one and only Fishl!"(be aware that idk how tf to write Fishl she's too hard to understand so I'll try my best writing her)

"It's been so long how are you?" Bennett says while smiling. " Ah yes Fishl has been indeed doing good," Fishl says as she brings her hand to her face in a stylish way. Flamboyantly. "That's nice to hear," Bennett says relieved. Bennett has always cared for Fishl since way back but always in a friendly way. The same goes for Fishl. "If the Fishl may ask who may the boy next to you be?" Fishl says in a very curious tone. "Oh, this is my boyfr- FRIEND FRIEND he's my friend!" Bennett says while he awkwardly laughs.


"Oh, and what might your name be human?" Fishl says as she points to Razor while covering her eye waiting for a response but never getting one instead she saw the boy glaring daggers into Bennett. "Give us a moment Fishl if you don't mind," Bennett says realizing that he might have hurt Razor's feelings. 'Hey Razor are you ok I have a bad feeling that I offended you in some way.' Bennett says whispering to Razor while grabbing his hand. 'I- Razor fine Razor just sad that Bennett called razor friend..' Razor tells Bennett whispering. 'oh about that it's just that I'm not prepared to tell anyone that we're together because I'm afraid...' 'Afraid? of what? ' Razor says while glaring at Bennett with worry in his eyes. 'Of what they might think about of, rejection, bullying, I-I'm scared of it all. I used to be bullied in middle school for being a freak and I don't want that to happen aga-"

"Razor will protect!" Razor shouts while looking at Bennett with the most sincere look ever. When Razor said that Bennett just stared at Razor.  on the verge of tears. "Razor I-" At that moment Bennett jumped on top of Razor hugging him while holding his neck. Bennett just stares at Razor before they kiss on the lips once again. At this point, Bennett doesn't even care that Fishl is there plus he doesn't mind. He trusts her. While they kiss Razor shuffles Bennett's hair messing it up. (I personally think that they are enjoying the kiss a bit too much-).

Fishl pov:

Oh lord, Barbatos what am I witnessing right now. Jeez, I really wonder If I the all-good and great Fishl will have to witness this any longer. Although I am surprised Fishl did suspect Bennett was a bit... Homo. He was never interested in any girls so I suspected it. Haha! I am too smart for this world! kneel down to me. The one and only Fishl HaHa! But jeez when are they gonna stop making out. (She has so many mood swings wth)


After a while, the boys finally pull away from each other to catch some air. "*Insert loud breathing from the two boys;-;*" After that Bennett actually thought about what he just did and instantly faced Fishl. "H-hey Fishl- will you promise me that you won't tell anyone what you just saw..." Bennett said worried she'd spill their secret. "Ah do not worry for the Fishl will not say a single word," Fishl says as she smiles clearly telling the truth.

"Ah thank you..." Bennett says relieved. "Well to answer your question from before The boy next to me is Razor! My wonderful boyfriend..." Bennett says as he stares at Razor. Razor blushes at his compliment. "Thank you Bennett-"

"CRINGE!" (Fishl)

"What-" (Benny)

"Stop acting so lovely towards each other it's actually driving me insane." (Fishl)

"No." (Razor)

"How dare you- I swear I will-" (Fishl)

"Hey let's go to the park!" (Bennett)

"What." (Fishl)

"yes." (razor)

"Wait this is happening too fast for me the all great-" (Fish-L)

"Let's just go already!" (benny)

Bennett then proceeds to grab Razor and call Fishl to follow them... (YES IK THIS IS SO RUSHED AND IT'S HAPPENING SO FAST IM SO SORRY)

"So I was right... heh, don't worry you'll get it went you come back............ Razor." A person says from the distance whispering to himself. Who might this person be? (I'm pretty sure y'all already now)

AUTHORS NOTE: Ok so yes I said I was gonna post this around Monday through Tuesday but ended up posting it Friday I am very sorry for that. I just got really lazy and unmotivated BUT it doesn't mean I'll stop posting. this chapter was also very rushed sorry about that :/ I also had a very important test I had to do around those days so I got distracted working on that. Btw I tried my best writing Fishl but it probably sucked ass. Welp, something is something. Anyways don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this chapter ✿ and have a great day/night/ evening beautiful people!


So what if they judge us?  -|Bennett x Razor story| (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now