Part 13

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Razor wakes up in an unusual place. It's very bright. He covers his eyes from how bright it is. He doesn't know where he is. He starts to get anxious. "W-where is Razor..?" Razor mutters. He tries to stand up but falls back onto the bed almost immediately. A woman enters the door. She is wearing A white uniform. On her uniform it says that her name is Sarah.  She has black hair and purple eyes. But for some reason this woman starts to scream and leaves the room. Only seconds later does she come back but with some more other people. Even more doctors.

"Who are you..? And why Razor here?" Razor says while questioning them. All the doctors look at each other than ask the same question. "You don't remember?" They all ask. "remember what..?" Razor says as he sit's down more properly. "The school accident. A massive fire happened and you inhaled a bunch of it's poisonous gas. You fainted right after one of your classmates brought you outside." One of the female doctors said. That's when it hit him. He remembered how there was fire and how Bennett carried him the whole time. "So Razor is at the... Hospital.?" Razor says while still not being able to remember every detail. "Yes and we will do some other stuff before we can let can let you go and before you can see your family." Another doctor says. Razor just nods and lays back onto his bed. All Razor can think of is Bennett. "Razor hopes Benny is ok.." Razor mutters.

30 minutes later...

"All done now we can let your family in to see you. They've all been worried sick." The doctor says. "You've been in this bed for quite some hours." Another doctor says. This surprises Razor but before he wants to ask another question the door flings open. First thing Razor sees is Bennett. "B-Benny!" Razor tries to get up but doesn't have the strength to do so.  So he just lays there.  But Razor opens his arms waiting for Bennett to hug him. Bennett gives him the most tightest and warmest hug he's ever given to Razor. Razor pulls him for a quick kiss in the lips. The rest of Razor's family start to enter. Including Haiji (Yes I finally named Razor's dad). "I'm glad you're ok Razor." Bennett says while continuing to hug Razor. Bennett had just been discharged since his conditions weren't as bad as Razor's. "*Cough* Get off my son." Haiji says while being the first one to walk into the room. One of the doctors knows him and knows how troublesome he get's so he takes Haiji out of the room. Of course Haiji resists but the doctor is much more stronger and convinces him to calm down before he walks in again.  Bennett get's off Razor before anything bad happens. But he still holds Razor's hand. "Oh my baby! You're ok I'm so glad!" Razor's mom cries while seeing how fine Razor condition currently is.

"Y-yeah....Razor is glad." Razor says while once again feeling dizzy. "*Cough!*" Razor coughs. "Pfft!  wouldn't know what to do without a little brother!" Razor's older sister Crystal says while laughing a little. Of course her herself was extremely worried for Razor. "We're just glad that you're ok." Razor's mother says while smiling .Everyone starts to smile again. "Y..Yea..h..Razor...Is...Als..o..Gla...." Razor's voice trails off as he faints once again. His head starts to get extremely hot. It may seem that the doctors may have messed up this time "U-um D-doctor! Docter! We don't know why but he's fainted again! Is there any doctor!? Doctor!" Razor's mom says as she starts seeing Razor sweating. "Why is he sweating!?" Crystal says while worried. After a minute or two a doctor walks in after hearing all the noise. After checking if Razor was alright he was indeed ok. "You guys caused a pretty big scene their but yes he is fine he just needs some rest. And it seems like you guys overwhelmed him too much so be carful next time. He also might wake up tomorrow so I suggest you guys to leave and come back tomorrow early in the morning." The doctor says. He then leaves the room.

"Erm ok. Welp False alarm.." Bennett says while calming down.

"Well we should get going. Let's go Crystal"

"K mom."

Bennett gives Razor a quick kiss in the forehead then also leaves the room. Get better soon

AUTHER'S NOTE: Omfg 3 thousand views and over 100 votes. MY LORD YOU GUYS HAVE GONE CRAZY. BUT YES I REALLY DO APPRECIATE ALL THE SUPPORT!! THANK YOU ALL FOR THIS. Another thing I wanted to talk about though was the lack of updates. Yes I am aware of how slow I've been with these chapters but hey at least I haven't dropped it(Like 2 of my other books. I actually deleted one of those 2). If you guys have any request please don't be afraid to say it! Those help me with a any writer's block. As usual if you enjoyed the chapter please vote for it. They help a lot. I also didn't really check if I made any mistakes so also tell me if I made any. And please. Please stay safe.

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