Part 4

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I am very sorry for the late chapter. I got grounded and wasn't able to do much. And then Christmas came and I had no time to really write. But because of that, I'll make an extra-long chapter for you guys :3

A few weeks later


It's has been a few weeks after their picnic "date" and both of the boys have gotten closer ever since. Bennett and Razor are currently at their seats at school having a normal conversation. That is until Razor brings a very interesting topic.

"Razor want to ask Bennett something."Razor takes a deep breath before continuing to what he is about to say. "Huh? What do you want to ask me about?" Bennett says. "Me and you sleepover?" 

"Oh you want to have a sleepover! I will gladly come. But when?"

"Tomorrow since it weekend."

"Ok. Are you inviting anyone else or..?" Bennet says wondering.

"No, I think me and you fine."

"O-oh ok," Bennet says kinda embarrassed. "It's gonna be at your house right?" I asked. To be honest I've never gone to his house before and I'm pretty excited.


"Mhh ok!"

That same day but at Razor's home (After school)

"Hey Razor aren't we having a guest tomorrow?" Razor's little sister asked. "Yes, we do," Razor said. But right when he was about to say something he suddenly got interrupted by his older sister. "Pff Its probably his girlfriend or something. Hopefully not though She'd probably be too annoying for me," she said. (Btw the reason why they talk properly is because Razor was adopted, unlike the sisters.) "It's a he. And Bennet is good friend we talk lot. we even have a picnic together! He has very bad luck though. even lost money on first day" His older sister was surprised and wanted to meet Razor's friend. For her, he sounded interesting.

"Oh well isn't that unlucky." The older sister said.




Next day at school

"Hello, Razor!" Bennett says as he's sitting down. "Hey bennet," Razor said. "I asked my parents if I could go to the sleepover and they said yes!" Bennett says smiling. "That nice. razor have to say something though... My home only one available bed and that bed mine. So-" Bennett suddenly interrupted him "Oh it's fine! I can just sleep on the floor-"


"No buts!"

"Wouldnt it be better if you and me were on same bed?" Razor suddenly realize what he just said and got embarrassed and started to go crimson red. He put his hands over his head to cover his flustered face. "I-I mean we could d-do it if you want to," Bennett says. He instantly regretting what he just said. "Sure then." Razor said still a bit emberassed.

 Razor then changed the topic. "Hey is bennett gonna bring foods?" Razor said. Razor had a big appetied and Bennett knew that so he brought a few extra snacks. "Of course I did! I brought popcorn, candy, chocolate and other stuff-"

"RAZOR AND BENNETT WILL YOU TWO SHUT IT!?" Miss jean yelled at us. She then cleared her thraot to speak more gently. "You two have been talking for over 10 minutes and distracting other students with your yapping. If I catch you one more time you will both go to after school detention." Miss jean said. She normally isnt like this but the two boys were annoying her a lot.

Both Bennett and Razor realized that if that were to happen they both wouldnt be able to go to the sleep over that they had planned for that day. So they instantly zipped there mouths.

At lunch~

"That was a close one at class..." Bennett said sighing. "Mhm Razor agree." Razor said frowning while stuffing food in his mouth. "Oh yeah I was gonna mention this at class- I'm gonna bring some bored games that we could play while I stay.  Like UNO. It's personally my favorite." Bennett said while his eyes shining. "UNO? What UNO?" Razor said clearly confused. 

Bennett just looked at him. With the most offended look in his face. "How do you not know what UNO is!?" Bennett said in the verge of tears. "Never heard of it." Razor said still confused. "Aghhh I'll teach you when I get to your house." Bennett said still dumbfounded by the fact that Razor does know the game called UNO.

"Anyways we should start eating-" Bennett then realized that Razor's plate was empty and that his was still full. "Or maybe I should start eating.." Right when Bennett was about to eat the bell rang. 


"i will kill myself."

"What did bennett say?"

"O-oh n-nothing. Well we gotta go so hurry up!"


"Oh by the way before we go to your house I need to stop by my house real quick if you dont mind. Its so that I can get the bored games." Bennet said. "Razor don't mind. Can Razor go with you?" Razor said hoping that Bennett would say yes. "Of course you can.. Plus I dont know the way to your home." Bennett said while scratching his head. 

A few minutes go by and they finally get off of the bus and start walking to bennett's house. Bennett starts to grab all the board games and snacks for the both of them. He then grabs a pair of pijamas for him to wear at the sleepover. 


"Ah yes. Also is your house far..? because i really dont want to walk for hours." Bennett said hoping it wasnt far.

"Oh Razor forgot to tell bennet. Razor live very near were Bennett live.  Around 10 minutes away." Razor said. "Well that's good to hear!" Bennett says as he punches the air. "Should we go know?" Bennett asked as grabs his basket full of food and stuff with his left hand. "Mhm" Razor said as he suddenly grabbed Bennett's hand and intertwines them. They start walking  to Razor's house. While they hold hands they talk about things they like. the food they like, the places they like, etc.. They talk until they finally reach there destination.

"Hey Razor I dont know why but I'm feeling kinda nervous-"


"Well this is the first time me meeting your family. And outside of school im not very social. I get very nervous and anxious for some reason.." Bennett said starting to sweat. "There nothing to worry about Razor promise." Razor said.

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise."

After that the two boys walk in (still holding hands). As they walk in they see a lady around her late 50s

"Ah hello this must be the guest we heard was coming." Razor's mom suddeniy said. She then noticed that the two boys where holding there hands. "You guys seem pretty close..." Razor's mom said "By the way my name is Maria. Nice to meet you bennett. Ive heard a lot about you from my son Razor." Maria said smiling at Bennett. "A-ah hello M-Maria." Bennett said very nervous.

Razor realized how nervous and anxious Bennett was so he pulled him close so that they can hug. Suddenly Razor whispered into Bennett's ear "Its gonna be ok no need to get scared Bennett." Razor said. Bennett felt Razor's hot breath in his ear which caused him to pull out of the hug. Bennett has just gotten flustered again and is blushing like a maniac. "Now that shit is gay as fuck" Someone said out of no where. It was...





Authors note: I tried to make it as long as possible but then I got lazy and thought it was good to end it here. I hope all of you are having a great day/afternoon/night. Buh bye-

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