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Namjoon's POV
What have I done to deserve this?Why me?What will people think about me?

No one's POV
A few months ago BTS went and tested to see if they were Little's or not.All of them (apart from Yoongi and Namjoon) found out that they weren't little.When Yoongi found out he was kinda shy at first but as time went on he became more open.Namjoon on the other hand hated this.He thought it was a mistake so he decided to take another test but the results came back showing that he is little.He was surprised and angry.He didn't want to be treated like a Child and he didn't want to be different to anyone else.He was surprised that Yoongi accepted it out of all people Yoongi.

Namjoon has never slipped into his headspace.The other members have tried everything to help him slip but nothing seems to work.Whenever Yoongi slips,Namjoon locks himself in his room or he goes to his studio and does come out for like a week or so.His band mates have noticed this and spoke to their manger about it.Their manger has spoke to Namjoon multiple times but nothing seems to be changing.Namjoon doesn't want anyone to view him differently because of it..

"Yoongi! Stop messing around and sit down in your seat!" Jin yelled while a small Yoongi ran around the house giggling.Namjoon just stared at his coffee blankly.

"YOONGI!" Hobi screamed.Yoongi looked at his Appa with teary eyes

"Yoonie Sowey"

Hobi sighed and told Yoongi to go and sit in his seat.Yoongi obeyed him and went to sit his Chair.He picked up his sippy cup and started to drink.

Jin looked over at Namjoon and said "Joon you looks stressed and Tired,could you please just slip into ur headspace for just a few hours"
"How many times do I have to tell your u Jin-hyung! I'm not doing this stupid stress relieving thing! It's weird!" And with that he slammed his fits on the table and left the house

"I-sh yoonie weird..?" Yoongi said while looking at Jin

"No baby,Yoonie is perfect just the way he is!" Jin said trying to keep the little one happy
"B-but Joonie..."

"Forget about what Joon said ok?" Hobi butted in.

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