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No one's POV
"I shouldn't have yelled at him like that Hyung! Now look what has happened he chose Jimin and Tae to be his new main caregivers..." Jungkook ranted to Hobi

"It's ok Kook...At least you have Joon and Yoongi you know how much they love you!"
Hobi tried to cheer Jungkook up.

Jungkook looked at him and smiled "Your right I guess..Speaking of them two where are they are?"

"Oh I put them to bed a while ago" hobi replied

"Appa!!! Jinnie dwn't 'ant baf" Jin pouted and stomped his feet.
"Jin.You need to-"
"Jinnie,if you Shower Daddy will get you all the candy you want!!" Tae butted in.
"Yes really!"

Jimin looked at Tae and gave him a "Are you fucking serious" face
Tae just looked back at him and smiled then he picked Jinnie up and took him to the bathroom.
Jimin just followed behind them.

After about 30 minutes all three of them were in the living room watching a movie.Jin was surrounded by all the Candy he wanted,Jimin and Tae were cuddling.
"I swear to god Tae if he gets sick I'm blaming you" Jimin said while not looking at him
"Hey he won't get sick! I know Jin!"
"Whatever you say"

25 minutes later Yoongi,Hobi,Namjoon and Jungkook had come downstairs

"Daddy!! Jinnie got candy! Yoonie 'ant's candy tw!" Yoongi said while pulling onto Hobi t shirt.

"Ywa! Me 'ant candy as well!!" Joon also said while tugging onto Jungkook shirt
"Boys you both know the rules.No candy after 7:30pm." Hobi said in a Stern voice

"B-bwt why dwes Jinnie gwt candy!" Yoongi argued back.
"Well that's his Daddy and Appa's  decision" Jungkook told them

"Well Me and Yoonie shwld 'et candy tow!" Joonie also argued back
"Boys! You both know the rules! No Candy and that's final!"
Both Joon and Yoongi pouted and stomped their way to where Jin was sitting

Jin looked at Jimin and said "Appa,Jinnie ish sweepy.." he yawned
"Aww" Jimin got up from his seat,picked up Jin and put him to bed.After a few minutes he had come back downstairs.

Jungkook sighed "Jimin and Taehyung I think we need to talk"
Tae and Jimin both looked at Jungkook
"Talk? About what" Tae said in confusion

"About the way your treating Jin" Hobi spoke up

"What do you mean? We're treating him perfectly fine" Jimin said while sitting up
"You guys aren't.Your literally just letting him do what he wants!" Jungkook yelled
"Oh my god this has to be some sort of funny joke" Taehyung chuckled
"Your just upset AND jealous that Jin choose Taehyung and I to be his main caregivers aren't you?!"
"It's not about that! Your literally letting a little have this much candy,you haven't set him a bedtime,you haven't set an punishments like your letting him live like the whole world revolves around him!" Hobi stood up for Jungkook
"You don't know shit Hoseok! You guys don't know how good of a Little Jin is!You guys are just surprised To see that Jin is acting like this!" Jimin a yelled back

"Good of a little he is?! He ripped Joon's plushie didn't apologise and tried to deine it! And all of a sudden he's a good little?! I swear you guys Are the worst caregivers I have ever seen" Jungkook argued back

"Wow...Jin didn't rip the plushie! Namjoon did and he did it out of jealousy! All because Jin was getting "all" the attention.Namjoon and Yoongi planned all of this just get us to hate Jin!And you guys fell right for their trap! You guys don't know how long Jin cried because he thought no one loved him anymore! Because all you guys did was believe Namjoon and Yoongi-hyung! Taehyung and I were his only hope! We were the only ones who actually cared!" Jimin yelled while tears were forming in his eyes.

"and now your calling us Bad caregivers?! For a mess you guys started!"

Taehyung hugged a crying Jimin and whispered sweet things in His ear just calm him down.
"Jimin.." Jungkook tried to talking but Taehyung cut him off
"I think it's best if we all go to bed and speak about this in the morning.." him and Jimin left to go to bed
While the other 4 sat there in shock

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