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A little Jin screamed.

"Please Jinnie..Do it for Uncle Jiminie!" Jimin asked in a pleading voice.

"NWH!" Jin yelled back.

"Please Uncle TaeTae will get you ice-cream..!" Tae tried to persuade the little


"Jimin...Who knew that Jin-hyung could be such a brat.."
"I know he takes after his big self...And if Jungkook finds out that we haven't given Jin his bath we're both dead"

Unfortunately Jungkook had just come through the door.

"DADDY!" Jin ran up to Jungkook and hugged him.
"Hey,how's my little Angel doing." Jungkook said while picking Jin up.
" Jinnie ish 'ood daddy!" He replied while smiling.

Jimin and Taehyung were trying to leave the room that's until Jungkook called them.

"Jimin,Taehyung did Jin have his Nap and Bath?"

They both chuckled nervously "Um..About that...We could really get him to like...um.Taehyung help me out."

"Sorry your alone on this one." Tae dashed out of the room.

Jimin just smiled at Jungkook nervously while Jin stuck his tongue out at Jimin and started sucking his thumb.

Jungkook just sighed "Just go Jimin.."
Jimin ran out of the room as fast as he could.Jungkook looked at Jin and said
"Does my baby need his pacifier?" Jin nodded his head and laid it on Jungkook's shoulder.
"Looks like someone is tired too" Jungkook chuckled

"Yoonie us can't wet Jinnie 'et wll attention!"

"Me know Joonie, us nwds tw stwp him!" Yoonie said smiling wickedly.

"Bwt how?" Joonie asked while sucking his thumb

"We gwt kwokie to wate him!" Yoonie jumped up and down

"Joonie 'ons 'ow tw dw vat!" Joonie got up and got his second Koya plushie and ripped it up.

"Joonie you ish a Genush! Yoonie said with stars in his eyes.

"I 'won!"
Joonie and Yoonie went to Jin's room only to find that he's asleep.

"Ugh! He's sweeping!" Yoonie said while stomping his feet.

"Fits 'ine! Jinnie will '-ake up soon!" Joonie replied

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