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No one's POV
After a few hours of waiting Jin had finally come back home.He took his shoes off and put them on the shoe rack,he took off his coat and put it on the coat rack.He walked into the living room only to be greeted by his band mates staring at him.

Jungkook spoke up "Hyung,can you please come and sit down here."

Jin wasn't sure with what's going on so he just went and sat down with the others.

"I'm pretty sure you confused on why we're all here right?" Jungkook said while not looking at him

Jin just nodded his head.

"Well...Is there anything you want to tell us before we explain to you why your here"

Jin just shook his head.He just wanted Jungkook to get to the point so he could leave.
Kook sighed and looked at Jin
"Well,I did give you three days to tell everyone your secret but since you hadn't told anyone I told them myself.."

Jin eyes grew wide.He didn't...

Jin gave a nervous chuckle
"Jungkook you wouldn't do that ?You wouldn't tell everyone your Hyungs secret right?"
Jin looked at his band mates.

"So it is true Jin-hyung are you a Little..?" Jimin spoke up.

"...No it's not..I don't even know where you would get such an idea from!"
Jin tried to cover it up but Namjoon wasn't having it.

"Ok so let's go and get you tested" Joon suggested
Jin looked at him "There's no need for that Joonie,I've already being tested."

"Jin stop lying.Why are you pushing your little self away! It's doing no good to you.Your fucking hurting yourself.You look after everybody else but you never care for yourself.Why? I don't know! But your only hurting yourself more by doing that.You know we all accept littles no matter who it is,What would be so different about you huh?" Tae said


"Exactly nothing.You know how much we love you Hyung and it hurts us that you don't trust us enough to tell us that information."

"I...I'm sorry..I just didn't want anyone to view me differently.." jin said while fiddling with his fingers.

Hobi sighed "Hyung,I think you just need to give yourself a break.I get that you want to care for us and all but you need to care for yourself too.How about for the next few days you go into your headspace and we'll take care of you?"

Jin looked up at hobi and said "Are you sure...?"

Hobi smiled and nodded
Jin smiled back.

"jinnie 'ants to see cartoons!"
That's when they realised that Jin had slipped into his headspace.

"Which cartoons does Jinnie want to watch" Jungkook asked in a sweet tone.
"Hmmmm...paw 'trwl!!"
Jungkook chuckled,he pick Jin up and placed him on the couch then he put paw patrol on the TV and almost everyone sat there cuddling Jin.

But little did they know that there were two people who weren't happy with the attention that Jinnie was getting.

So the next few chapters will be kinda focused on Jin.But I do have a good idea to just slip in there! I hope your enjoying the book so far and if you have any ideas that I should add please do tell me!

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