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No one's POV

Jin pushed Jungkook away and looked at him.

"You didn't hear anything" Jin said in a stern tone.

"Your a little aren't you.." Jungkook said

"No I'm not."

"But Jin-hyung you can't go around hiding the fact that you're a little" Jungkook argued back

"Yes I can! I've done it for over 10 years and no one found out!"

Jungkook looked at Jin angry "so that explains why you didn't come to the test when we had it! You went and told everyone else that you went somewhere else to get tested! But no you fucking lied to us!Do you not trust us?"

"No it's-"

Jungkook cut him off "Ok so why didn't you tell us huh?why?! Your looking after Yoongi already but u also have yourself to look after! Yet your going around upset because you can't be Joon-Hyung's but you don't even have a caregiver yourself!"


"No buts Jin! Your messing with your headspace and normal life,maybe you should think about what's best for you.And that's being a little and letting other people care for you! Instead of focusing on other people.I'm going to give you 3 days hyung.3 days to tell everyone that your a little or else I'll tell them myself."


Jin didn't say anything all he did was look at his feet.Jungkook just left the room,slamming the door behind him.

After Jungkook left,Jin broke down in tears.He didn't want anyone to find out and now he was being forced to tell his band mates that he's a little.What the hell was he supposed to do.

Jungkook had came downstairs to see that they were watching a movie while BamBam, JB and Namjoon were colouring.
Jimin noticed Jungkook posture and face so he decided to speak up.

"Jungkook are you ok,so seem to be a bit upset"

Jungkook just smiled at Jimin and said "Yea I'm ok"

Yoongi looked around the room but he couldn't see Jin "Guys where's Jin?"

Just at that moment Jin came back downstairs but his eyes were blood red and his nose was runny.You could tell that he was crying.

"I'm going home a bit early...So I'll just see you when you guys get back."

Hobi was confused by this so he decided to ask "Hyung,why are you going home so early and why were you crying?"

"I...I just need some time to myself that's all" He replied.

And with that Jin left.

"He didn't even answer my second question.."
Hobi said

"Jungkook do you know why He was crying" Tae asked.

Jungkook just sighed and said "I don't think it's my place to tell you guys just yet.."

"Yet? What do you mean by "yet"?"

"He'll tell you guys when he's ready too."

They all just decided to leave it be and continue the movie

3 days later
Namjoon had come out of his headspace and he had a long talk with his band mates about rules,punishment and other stuff like that.
Jin on the other hand still hadn't told anyone about his Little space yet.

Jungkook wasn't having it he called everyone but Jin into the living room to explain what's going.

"Jungkook why did you call us to meet in the living room" Taehyung asked curiously

"There's something I need to tell you since Jin-Hyung won't tell you guys himself. You guys remember that day when He came out of the room crying?"

They all nodded

"Well,we had an argument.And that was because Jin is hiding the fact that he's a Little."

"WHAT??" Jimin yelled.

"Yea...I only found out that day too.He accidentally slipped when we were talking."
"How is that possible...He literally went to get tested." Namjoon spoke up

"He lied about it,he's been hiding this from us for over six years"
"Wait so where is he now?" Yoongi asked

"He's gone to Ken's house"

"Why would he hide something like this from us..He knows that we accept littles so what would be so different about him?" Tae spoke up

Kook just sighed "Im not sure but for now we just wait til he gets home and we'll talk to him then"

They all nodded in agreement

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