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The next morning everyone had met up in the living room.Namjoon Jin and Yoongi had slipped out of their headspace for this particular situation.
Jungkook was the first to speak "So,where do we start"
Jimin was still pissed about last night events and he wasn't willing to talk to anyone other than Taehyung and Jin.

"I think we need to start with Mine and Yoongi's little situation" Namjoon said

"Yea...I think our little sides got jealous of Jin and just wanted everyone to hate him" Yoongi spoke up
Namjoon nodded in agreement.
"And Jin-Hyung we apologise for that.We honestly love you and we wouldn't want to hurt you in any way,shape or form"

Jin smiled at Namjoon and said "It's ok Joon.It's normal for littles to jealous if a new one comes in."
Both Yoongi and Namjoon smiled back at Jin.

Hobi looked at Jimin then back at Jungkook "And I think we need to sort out the tension between Jungkook and Jimin"
Jimin sighed "There's nothing to sort out.."

Jungkook also sighed and said "Jimin...I know what I said was wrong and I know it hurt you but can we please just stop being so cold towards each other.."

Jimin didn't say anything,he just stood up and left.
"I'll go and talk to him.." Tae got up from his seat and followed him.
"I swear he hates me now.." Jungkook run his hand through his hair
"I don't think so Jungkook , I think he just needs some time" Jin explained to him

Tae closed the door behind him and said "Jimin what's wrong.?"
"What do you mean? I'm fine" Jimin replied while sitting on the bed
"I know your upset about that fight you Jungkook and Hobi had" he said while sitting next to Jimin
"Mhm..." was the only response Tae received.
"Is there anything you want to talk about?"

"Tae..am...am I really a bad caregiver...?"
"No! Why would you think that?!" Taehyung said while looking at Jimin.

Jimin didn't even glance an eye at Tae
"I guess I'm just thinking about what Jungkook said yesterday..."

Taehyung sighed "Jimin...we both know that Jungkook didn't mean to say that.And your an amazing caregiver! Jinnie loves you so much and I don't know what he would do without you."

Jimin looked at Tae and smiled slightly then hugged him.Tae was startled by this but he hugged him back.
Jimin buried his into Tae neck and mumbled "I love you Tae.."
Taehyung slightly blushed and replied "Love you too chim..."

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