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No one's POV
"SHARPER BOYS!" BTS' choreographer yelled at them.
All you could hear was heavy breathing and slight coughing

"Jimin what is going on today.Your one of the best dancers on the team and now your acting like this?!" He said while pinching his nose.

"Sorry Sir...I promise to do better..." Jimin replied

"Start the music!"

They started to dance to ON again.


They all stopped and looked at him confused.

"Jimin.Why are you being so lazy today?! Your holding everyone up! Now everyone has to keep re-starting because your not doing it right!"

He band mates looked at Jimin and could tell that he was upset.

"I'm sorry..." that's all he said then he left the room.

Jimin went to the bathroom locked the stall and started to breakdown.He didn't mean to make everyone work extra hard.He didn't mean for his dancing to come out lazy.He was just stressed and tired because of everything that had gone down in the past few days.

"Why can't I be fucking perfect?! Why is there always something wrong with me?!" He screamed

"Jimin there's nothing wrong with you.." someone said on the other side

Jimin knew who that voice belonged too.Out of all people why would he be the one to check up on him.

"Go away Jungkook..." he said while sniffing

Jungkook sighed and said "Jimin...it's obvious that you need help right now and I'm here to help..."

"But I don't need your help...I don't need anyones help!" Jimin yelled from the other side

"Yes you do hyung! Your struggling and your beating yourself up every day.I just wanna help you!" Jungkook returned

"Huh?! Help me?! What are you going to help me with making my life worse?!" Jimin screamed while tears started streaming down his face

"No...to make you FEEL better Hyung! I know what I said last night was wrong! I wasn't thinking straight"

Jimin chuckled "Isn't that what they all say.."

"Jimin...Your amazing just the way you are! There's nothing you need to change about yourself.I admit it I was jealous ok? I was jealous that Jinnie choose you and Taehyung to be his main caregivers.I let my jealousy get the best of me.And I hurt you and your feelings.And I honestly wish that I had never said that. I just want us to be happy again. I don't want this going on forever"

"..." Jimin opened the stall to be greeted by Jungkook smiling at him.

They stood there for a few seconds before Jimin pulled Jungkook into a hug.

"I'm sorry Kook...I was overreacting.."

"Hey it's not your fault,I would've acted the same way you did"

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