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No one's POV
"Mhm...Yea...Um I'm not sure if Jin-Hyung will actually agree?I know Yoongi-Hyung will though....Ok! Bye!"

Namjoon had just finished talking to their manger on the phone.He had asked them if they would be happy to film a run BTS episode with the littles.Obviously Namjoon and Yoongi would say yes but Jin on the other hand....It would take a long long time before he could agree.

Namjoon had spoken to Jin caregivers (Jimin and Taehyung) and told them what was going on.Taehyung had an idea but Jimin wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do..

"Ok so..Our filming team wants to do a run BTS episode with your little!" Jimin spoke up
Jin looked jimin up and down and said "No.There's no way I'm doing that"

"Please Jin-hyung! It'll be so fun!!" Jimin was technically begging Jin at this point

"No and that's my final decision."

"Hey Jinnie..If you do the run BTS Episode you don't have to follow the rules for a whole month!"

Jimin looked at Taehyung surprised.They had originally agreed one week..but a WHOLE MONTH.

Jin's eyes lit up "Weally!"

"Yea! And you can have all the treats you want!" Taehyung replied

Jimin sat there shocked.What the hell was Taehyung thinking?!

"Otay! Otay! Jinnie will do it!" Jin said while clapping his hands

Jimin chuckled lightly
"Jinnie Appa and Daddy need to have a private talk,so can you please go to your playroom"
Jinnie nodded and ran up to his playroom

"Taehyung what the actual hell are you thinking?! No rules for a month and having all the treats his wants?! We didn't agree on this!" Jimin yelled at Taehyung

"Hehe...um I just thought it would be a better deal...?" Taehyung said nervously

Jimin pinched the bridge of his nose and said "If anything goes wrong it's all on you"

Taehyung nodded quickly.

So hopefully you enjoyed the chapter! As you can see I decided to continue this book! But updates maybe slow since I have other books to write. 


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