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No one's POV
It had been a few hours since Namjoon left the house.He had gone to the park to just clear his mind and to get away from everything that's going on at home.

??? POV
I was sitting in the Park watching my two little's BamBam and JB play! That was until a man who looked around my age sat on the bench.I wanted to talk to him so I got BamBam and JB to follow me.

"Hi there!"

He just looked at me with big glossy eyes and put his thumb in his mouth.So I'm guessing he's a little but where his caregiver.

"Hey,where's your caregiver?"

"Joonie dwn't have one.." he said while sucking his thumb

I felt bad for the little one he seemed so precious.

"BamBam,could you please get the blue pacifier that's in the bag"
"Yesh Appa!" BamBam went to the bag and got the blue pacifier out of it,then he took it to his Appa. "Here chu go!"
"Thank you bud" I took Joonies thumb out of his mouth and replaced it with a pacifier.

He slowly sucked it he then smiled at me while showing his dimples.It was honestly an adorable site! JB went up to him and touch his little dimples they both giggled.

"Joonie how about you come home with us?"
Joonie looked at me and nodded quickly.I just giggled,picked Joon up and put him on my back.

Few minutes later
No one's POV
??? Picked up his phone and rang someone.
"Hey Jin-Hyung, it seemed like Joon slipped while he was at the park,I got him to fall deeper into his headspace and he's currently taking a nap."

"Oh my gosh, Thank you so much Jackson you don't know how much this means to us!"

"Nah don't worry about it, it's always nice to help some friends out!"

"I honestly don't know what I would without you J! By the way we'll be there in the next 30 minutes"

"No problem Jin! I'll see you in a bit"

Few minutes later
No one's POV
Jackson heard a ring at the door so he went to open it.He was greeted by the rest of BTS,it seemed that Yoongi had fallen out of his headspace.

"Hey guys come in!" Jackson said moving out the way to let them in.

They all came in greeting Jackson,they soon sat down on the couch waiting for Namjoon to wake up.

After about 30 minutes they all heard a door open revealing Namjoon who had a pacifier in his mouth,holding a stuffed bear and a blue blanket.They all looked in awe as they saw this adorable sight of him.

"Joonie why don't you come down here and sit with the rest of us!" Jackson called out
Joon just looked at him and sat down on the stairs

Jackson could see where this was going,so he just got up from his seat,went to Namjoon, picked him up and put him on his waist.
He then carried joon downstairs and placed him on the play mat.Joon just stared at all his band mates then looked at Jackson.

"Appa, who ish they" he said pointing to his team mates.

Jin's heart dropped immediately.hearing Namjoon call Jackson 'Appa' everyone knew that Jin wanted that title,He wanted to be Joon's main caregiver but turns out he chose someone else.The others knew that Jin was hurt by this,Jungkook just whispered something in Jin's ear.

"Um Jackson could me and Jin-hyung go to a separate room" Jungkook spoke up

"Yea sure! If you go upstairs and then the room on your left" Jackson replied

Jin and Jungkook went up to the room and then Jungkook locked the door.
"Are you ok hyung"

Jin looked at Jungkook and then smiled "Yea everything is good! I mean if Joon doesn't want me as his caregiver it's ok, I'm fine with it."

Tears started to prickle in Jin's eyes.
Jungkook sighed.He went up to Jin and Hugged him.

"It's ok Hyung,maybe next time?" He said

"But there's never going to be a next time Kookie." Jin replied while crying into Jungkook's shoulder.
Jungkook just rubbed Jin's back trying to comfort him.
"Jinnie, cawn't do fhish more" Jin said.
That's when Jungkook stopped.Jin? Little? What is going on?

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